nebraska omaha blackboard

by Adriel Stanton 10 min read

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Leaving Blackboard

Now that UNO has made the move to Canvas, faculty need to make sure they have everything they need from Blackboard before you lose access to the system on June 30th, 2018. The following checklist can help you with the tasks you should be thinking about now, and completing before the end of June.

Learn about and Start using Canvas

The Digital Learning Team at UNO is here to help you learn about Canvas! All of our training offering are listed at .

Backup Course Materials from Blackboard

There are several ways you can get content backed up out of Blackboard. If you are not sure which method is best for you, contact a member of the UNO Digital Learning Team, or stop by one of our Drop-in help sessions and let us assist you with the process.

Backup Student Submissions from Blackboard

Remember that once Blackboard is gone; it is really gone! If there are assignments that students submitted to the system that you might want to access in the future it's a good idea to export them now.

Backup your Blackboard Grades

Will you need access to grades for your old courses? Think about possibilities for grade appeals, students requesting references letters, etc. Once Blackboard is gone you won't be able to jump on and check grades from previous classes.

Get help moving your content from Blackboard to Canvas

If you would like help moving a course from Blackboard to Canvas, the Digital Learning team can work with you, or even move your course over. Just fill out this short form to make the request.

What is Canvas?

Canvas is a Learning Management System (LMS) that provides instructors with the ability to distribute course materials and much more. It includes assessment and communication tools, student and teacher apps for mobile access, and analytics for monitoring usage.

Important Canvas Procedures

Each semester your college or department will update MavLINK with the courses you will be teaching. Once this is completed Canvas will be updated (overnight) and your course (s) will appear in the Canvas Dashboard as well as the Courses link. The week before the start of semester and the first week of classes this update happens twice a day.

Merging Courses

UNO has set up an option within Canvas Help for instructors to merge courses. Click the ? icon and select Canvas Merge. Follow the prompts on the screen. The primary course you select will be the course you see in Canvas. The other course sections will not be viewable by you or your students.
