new paltz blackboard

by Emile Renner 8 min read

Does SUNY New Paltz still use blackboard?

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Will SUNY New Paltz be part of the Brightspace migration?

Blackboard; Hawkmail; Library; Information Technology Services;; People Finder; Office 365 (Email) ... SUNY New Paltz 1 Hawk Drive New Paltz, NY 12561 845-257-SUNY (7869) 877-MY-NP-411 (toll free) College of Liberal Arts & Sciences; School of Business; School of …

What LMS does SUNY New Paltz use?

Faculty, Staff, Students. Technology. OneDrive is SUNY New Paltz’s official cloud storage solution and is available to all faculty, staff, and students through our subscription to Office 365. Files saved to OneDrive are available at home, in the classroom, and even on your smartphone.

Where is New Paltz located?

Mar 31, 2022 · SUNY New Paltz plans to step away from Blackboard, the Digital Learning Environment (DLE) that the school has been using for many years, to use a new system called D2L Brightspace. SUNY New Paltz was selected to join Cohort 1 for the migration to Brightspace.


What is a blackboard?

Blackboard is the learning management system for the campus. Most faculty teaching online classes or classes with online components will use Blackboard to post course materials, create assignment submission areas, assign online quizzes and tests, and house other types of online learning activities (discussion boards, blogs, journals, wikis, etc).

What is the New Paltz default shell?

The New Paltz Default Shell is a course template in Blackboard that is pre-built with features that take into consideration course design best practices and also follow the SUNY Course Quality Rubric (OSCQR)

What is a hawksite?

“Hawksites” is the New Paltz branding for our campus WordPress integration (through an educational platform called CampusPress). All faculty, staff, and students can create their own Hawksites for course or professional purposes. To get started with Hawksites, go to and login with your New Paltz username and password.

What is the email system for SUNY New Paltz?

Prior to December 2020, “Hawkmail” (our local name for the New Paltz domain on Google's GSuite for Education) was the official email system for all SUNY New Paltz students. Starting in December 2020, we have started the process to make Outlook, which is part of Office 365, the default system for all campus users by only creating Office 365 accounts for new students. You can learn more about the migration from Hawkmail to Outlook on our IT Support Site and also see Frequently Asked Questions regarding student email change.

Why are physical courses unavailable?

Physical Course Reserves are currently unavailable due to safety protocols requiring that all library materials must be quarantined for a minimum of 3 days each time they are loaned , which makes traditional short-term loans impractical.

Can you use Collaborate Ultra on Blackboard?

Users who have either an “instructor” or “leader” role in Blackboard can initiate Collaborate Ultra sessions, which can then be used by all “students” or “participants” in the course. If a session is recorded, the recording will also be stored in the Collaborate Ultra area of the Blackboard Course.

Online Courses

Online courses deliver all the course content in an online format using some sort of learning management system. At SUNY New Paltz, our LMS is Blackboard. Some online courses do require proctored exams or other assessments, and those may include an additional cost to students.

Online Programs

Online programs are programs where the entirety of the program is available in an online format. This enables students who are never able to come to campus to complete their program of study from any location in the world.

Hybrid Courses

Hybrid courses combine elements of online and face-to-face learning environments. Taking advantage of the best of both environments, a hybrid course uses some online learning activities to reduce the number of hours spent in the seated classroom.

Hybrid Programs

Hybrid programs are programs where courses are available in both online and face-to-face modalities and students are able to mix and match to select the right balance to meet their learning needs. So, while each individual course may be fully face-to-face, fully online, or even hybrid, students can take a mix of courses in the different formats.

You Must Have Internship Placement Approved Before You Intern, Not After!

There is no retroactive credit for internships. This means that you cannot complete an internship and then seek credit for it afterwards. You must have your internship placement approved before you complete that internship, otherwise it will not count for credits.

Sophomores: Apply for Internship Eligibility Once You Have 60 Credits

Sophomores, every DMJ major is required to complete at least one internship in order to graduate. For an internship to count towards your credit count and graduation requirements, you must be internship eligible before you start looking for an internship. You can do that once you have 60 college credits.

Transfers: Register for Internship Eligibility Once You Have 30 New Paltz Credits

Transfer students, you should apply for internship eligibility once you have 30 New Paltz credits.
