llcc blackboard down

by Prof. Bradley Lehner V 7 min read

What is my email address and password for my LCC account?

Academic Innovation & eLearning Submenu. Canvas Training. Faculty-to-Faculty Support Team. Instructional Technology Submenu. SoftChalk. Proctorio. Technology to Enhance Your Online Course. AIeL Workshops (for employees) Access to District Records.

What happened to Blackboard?

The college has access to SafeAssign (a similar plagiarism detection system) through our Blackboard Learn system. SafeAssign will now become the single plagiarism detection system available for use at LLCC. A SafeAssign video tutorial can be found online, as part of the new Blackboard Support Center. Workshops on the use of SafeAssign have been ...

Are there any issues with access to blackboard and mymanchester?

This week, LLCC Academic Innovation & eLearning is offering the workshops listed below. Please note that registration is required for all sessions, other than open labs. ZogoTech Open Lab – Monday, Oct. 9 from 2-4 p.m. in S0119; Beginning Blackboard – Tuesday, Oct. 10 from 10-11 a.m. in …

Is blackboard back up at EKU?

Blackboard outages reported in the last 24 hours. This chart shows a view of problem reports submitted in the past 24 hours compared to the typical volume of reports by time of day. It is common for some problems to be reported throughout the day. Downdetector only reports an incident when the number of problem reports is significantly higher ...


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Locate PrepSTEP on the LLCC Library Homepage

1. From the Library Homepage (, click the "Articles & Scholarly Resources" tab to access drop-down menus of LLCC Library databases and electronic resources.

Off-campus Access

If you access PrepSTEP from an off-campus location, you must first authenticate using your LLCC network email address and password before accessing the resources.

Additional Help

LLCC Faculty and Staff, please contact Amanda Wiesenhofer, Electronic Resources & Library Systems Administrator, if you would like a direct link to any of the PrepSTEP Centers to share with your students.

Link to PrepSTEP for Community College & Additional Information

PrepSTEP is a dynamic online learning platform that can change the lives of students through academic success and preparation for today’s workplace. PrepSTEP for Community Colleges is packed with tutorials, practice tests, articles, e-books and high-stakes test preparation for self-guided skill building, career preparation and workforce readiness.
