usj blackboard ct

by Avery Treutel DVM 5 min read

What is USJ known for?

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Why choose USJ for graduate study?

Office of Diversity and Inclusion. Location: Lourdes Hall, second floor (18S) Email: [email protected]. Phone: 860.231.5499. The University of Saint Joseph, founded by the Sisters of Mercy in the Catholic tradition, provides a rigorous liberal arts and professional education for a diverse student population in an inclusive environment that ...

Is USJ A Division 3 school?

The University of Saint Joseph is the premier private university in Connecticut for future in-demand professionals in health care and social services, education, digital media, and the sciences. Located minutes from major corporate headquarters and renowned medical and research facilities, USJ offers students programs that directly link ...

EthicsLine Reporting

University of Saint Joseph is committed to an environment where open, honest communications are the expectation, not the exception. We have selected EthicsPoint, Inc. to provide a simple, risk-free way to anonymously and confidentially report activities that may involve unethical or otherwise inappropriate activity or behavior.

USJ Calendar of Events

Most events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted. For more information, call the Office of Campus Events at 860.231.5292 or refer to the contact number listed for the event.