how to print blackboard powerpoint 6 slides a page

by Alverta Monahan 4 min read

Simply put in the first slide you want to print and the last slide you want to print with a dash in between, such as "6-12 " to print slides from 6 to 12. Use Print Current Slide to print only the slide you selected before jumping to the print options.

Right-click within the picture area and choose print. After right-clicking in the PowerPoint window and choosing Print, the same Printer dialog box that appears when using the program, will appear. As shown in Example #1., choose Handouts and 6 to 9 slides per page to reduce the number of pages printed.

Full Answer

How to print 6 slides per page in PowerPoint?

To open the file for viewing or printing, start PowerPoint, select File > Open > and navigate to the folder that contains the file. After opening the slide show, choosing print will offer several choices for formatting the final printout. One of the most economical printing methods is to choose “Handouts” under Print what:.

How do I choose a selection of pages to print in PowerPoint?

Nov 22, 2021 · 3. Setup to Print a Test in Blackboard. Setup to Print a Test in Blackboard. Part 1: 1. Go to Course Tools > Tests, Surveys, and Pools. 2. Click on Tests. 3. Locate the test you want to print … 4. Blackboard 9.1 Printing Graded Assignments

How to print PowerPoint slides in handout form?

Jun 27, 2012 · Step 1: Open the Powerpoint slideshow for which you want to print your handouts. Step 2: Make any necessary final adjustments to your slides. Step 3: Click the File tab at the top-left corner of the window. Step 4: Click Print at the left side of the window.

How do I print a PowerPoint presentation?

Oct 15, 2021 · Follow these instructions if you wish to print PowerPoint slides that have been uploaded to Blackboard in handout form, so that several slides are printed … 3. Downloading and Viewing Multimedia Files using Blackboard


How do I print 6 slides per page in PowerPoint?

Office 365 - Printing multiple slides per page in Microsoft...Choose File --> Print.Click where you will see "Full Page Slides" (within the Settings section) and choose from the Handouts field.Select the number of slides per page you desire.Select Print.Feb 12, 2015

How do you print handouts with 6 slides horizontal?

Print handouts (with or without slide numbering)On the File menu select Print.Select Show Details at the bottom of the dialog box.In the Layout box, select one of the Handout options, depending on how many slides per page you want.More items...

How many PowerPoint slides can you print on one page?

nine slidesYou can print as many as nine slides on a single page (vertically or horizontally), much like the Slide Sorter view. Select one of the multi-slide options. Click the Print button to finish.Oct 30, 2021

How do I put multiple slides on one page in PowerPoint?

Open the presentation that you want to add a slide to. On the Home tab, in the Slides group, click New Slide, and then click Reuse Slides. In the All Slides list, click the slide that you want to add to your presentation. Tip: To view a larger thumbnail of a slide, rest the pointer on the slide.

How do you Print 6 slides on one page in Google Slides?

How to Print Multiple Slides on One Page in Google SlidesGo to the File > Print Settings and Preview to set your options.Change the 1 slide without notes dropdown to add more slides to your printout.After you change the setting, you'll see four Google Slides on a single simulated print page.More items...•Dec 19, 2018

How do I Print a full size slide in PowerPoint?

Select File > Print > Print Full Page Slides. In the Print dialog box, look for a More settings link and select it.

How do I Print a large PowerPoint slide on multiple pages?

To print a poster:Go to File > Print. On a Mac, in the Print dialog box, check the print settings, select Scale to Fit Paper, and then select Print.Select Print Full Page Slides.Check the preview and settings, and then select Print.Nov 14, 2021

How do you Print multiple PowerPoint slides?

Print Multiple PowerPoint Slides on one PageIn PowerPoint, with your presentation open, click File then Print.In the Print window, in the Settings section, click the Full Page Slides drop-down menu.In the Handouts section of the drop-down menu, choose a multiple slide handout. ... Click Print to print your document.Feb 17, 2021

How do I Print 4 PDF pages on one page?

You can print more than one page of a PDF onto a single sheet of paper....You can specify how the pages are ordered, either horizontally across the page or in vertical columns.Choose File > Print.From the Page Scaling pop-up menu, select Multiple Pages Per Sheet.From the Pages Per Sheet pop-up menu, select a value.More items...•Jan 7, 2022

How do I Print 6 slides on one page PDF?

Print multiple slides on one PDF pageNavigate to the File menu.Select Print.Open the Handout options.Select how many slides you want to print per page.Open the Printer drop down.Select the Microsoft Print to PDF printer.Click Print.Choose a location to save your PDF.More items...

How do I Print 4 slides per page bigger in PowerPoint?

To print the 4 slides bigger on a page, go to your printer properties dialog box, then the “features” tab, and under “Pages per Sheet”, choose 4 pages per sheet. This will stretch the slides to the sides of the page, versus just choosing 4 slides to a page in the main printing dialog box.Jan 24, 2012

How do I Print multiple slides with notes in PowerPoint?

Print notes in PowerPoint (multiple slides per page)In PowerPoint, open the File menu.Click Export on the left.Select Create Handouts in the middle.Click Create Handouts on the right.Select 'Notes next to slides'Click OK.

How to Download files from Blackboard to your Computer

Follow these instructions if you wish to download files made available on a Blackboard course from Blackboard to your computer or removable disk.

How to Download Recorded Panopto Lectures and Sessions from Blackboard

If your course teaching team have allowed it, you may download Recorded Lectures and Sessions to view offline. This guide shows staff how to enable this feature, and students to download the videos.

How to Print Text and Documents from Blackboard

Follow these instructions if you wish to print text that has been entered into Blackboard, or if you wish to print files that have been uploaded to your Blackboard course.

How to Print PowerPoint Slides in Handout Form

Follow these instructions if you wish to print PowerPoint slides that have been uploaded to Blackboard in handout form, so that several slides are printed to a single page.

Saving or Printing a Picture from Blackboard

Follow these instructions if you wish to save or print out individual pictures that have been uploaded to your Blackboard course.

Open the PowerPoint Presentation

1. Open the presentation in PowerPoint. If you do not have PowerPoint on your personal computer, it is available on University public workstations.


3. Click on Full Page Slides and change it to your preferred Handout format.
