how to get rid of a thread on blackboard

by Cayla Bernier 3 min read Open a thread in a forum. On the thread’s page, point to a post to view the available functions. Select Edit or Delete.

Open a thread in a forum. On the thread's page, point to a post to view the available functions. Select Edit or Delete. The delete action is irreversible.

Full Answer

How do you delete your own thread?

Oct 25, 2021 · If you are looking for how to get rid of a thread on blackboard, simply check out our links below : 1. Blackboard: Delete Old Discussion Posts. 2. Manage Discussions | Blackboard Help. …

Can you delete your own thread?

May 17, 2021 · Deleting Threads · Check the checkboxes to the left of the threads you wish to delete. · Click Delete to delete the selected threads. 5. Delete Threads and Edit/Delete Replies – eLearning …. …

How to retrieve deleted threads?

Oct 23, 2021 · If you are looking for how to get rid of a thread on blackboard paint, simply check out our links below : 1. Blackboard: Delete Old Discussion Posts. 2. How To Remove Chalkboard Paint (Step-by-Step Guide) …

How to delete a discussion post on Blackboard?

Move your mouse anywhere on the page and options appear at the top, such as Search and Refresh. Select the number of unread posts to view only those posts in a thread. Use the arrow buttons to navigate to other threads in the forum. When you view threads, a badge appears next to a forum manager or moderator's name.


Can you delete a thread on Blackboard as a student?

Open the forum. Click the top left checkbox to select all the threads. Optional: Uncheck any message to be kept. Click Delete to remove the student posts.

How do you delete a thread?

Android, iOSLong press the thread you want to delete.Select Delete thread.Tap Delete to confirm.

Can I delete a text thread?

Locate the conversation you want to delete. Tap and hold the conversation. Tap the trash can to delete the conversation. Tap Delete on the confirmation prompt.

How do I delete a thread in slack?

Locate the thread you want to delete, hover over the message, and click the three-dot … icon for More Actions. Click on Delete message to delete your message as well as the thread itself.

Editing Forums

As the discussion progresses, editing forum settings may help resolve discussion issues. For example, if students are posting to the wrong topic, fine-tune the forum name or description to clarify the forum’s purpose. If all forums were created at the beginning of the term and made unavailable, any forum can be edited to make it available.

Copying Forums

Discussion forums can be copied and added to the current Discussion Board or to a Group Discussion Board in the same course.

Changing the Order of Forums

Reorder the forums by pressing the move icon, the double-tipped arrow or handle next to an item, and use the drag-and-drop function to move the forum into place.

Deleting Forums

You can delete forums and threads no longer used. When a forum or thread is removed, all content and grades are permanently deleted. For example, delete an ungraded forum used to discuss questions about a completed assignment.
