how do you see your quiz results on blackboard

by Kristoffer Toy 3 min read

Blackboard: Viewing Test Results
  1. Click Check My Grades from the course menu.
  2. Locate the test.
  3. Click on the title of the test to access the View Attempts page.
Jun 24, 2021

How do I see my quiz answers on Blackboard?

Select Activities & Assessments, then Quizzes.Find the appropriate quiz, click the down arrow and select Grade.On the menu of the quiz page, click Questions.Select the question in which you would like to view answers for.More items...

How can students see their test results in Blackboard?

To select Result and Feedback options, go to a content area and locate a deployed test. Click the chevron next to the test name and select Edit the Test Options. In the section titled Show Test Results and Feedback to Students on the Test Options screen, you will see the available options.

How do I see my graded test on Blackboard?

Go to My Grades link on the course menu. ... Use the filters at the top of the screen to sort the graded, upcoming, and submitted activities.Click on the name of the graded test, which should appear in blue. ... At the next screen, click on your score.Your graded test should appear on the next screen.More items...•Mar 6, 2011

How do you see your feedback on Blackboard?

In the classroom, click the Tools link in the course menu and select My Grades to view your assignment grades. If there is feedback on your assignment, a blue speech-balloon icon will be to the left of the recorded grade.Jun 23, 2021

Why can't I see my grades on Blackboard?

If you have submitted an assignment and you don't see a grade, that means the instructor has probably not graded the assignment yet. The yellow exclamation point icon means that the assignment still needs grading.