blackboard in portuguese

by Leola Reinger 8 min read

What is a Menino mean?

British English: boy /bɔɪ/ NOUN. A boy is a male child.

What Rosto means in Portuguese?

facerosto m (plural rostos) face (part of head) quotations ▼

What pipoca means in Portuguese?

popcornnoun. popcorn [noun] a kind of maize that bursts open when it is heated, and is eaten either sweetened or salted.Mar 9, 2022

What does WTF mean in Portuguese?

1. " what the fuck", vulgar. mas que porra {interj.}

How do you say LOL in Portuguese?

On the early internet, Brazilian Portuguese speakers would use "rsrsrsrsrs", it's like the outdated "lololol". It's a more of a literal translation: it means risos, which translates to "laughs". However, it can also be used in an ironic way or in a shady passive aggressive way, usually by younger people.

What does TMJ mean in Portuguese?

"Tamo junto" -> "We are together", "I'm with you" It's a positive thing to say. It's used to agree to someone else.Jan 29, 2015

What does SS mean in Brazil?

Double Letter GradeGradeScaleGrade DescriptionSS9.00 - 10.00Superior (Superior)MS7.00 - 8.99Médio Superior (Medium Superior)MM5.00 - 6.99Médio (Medium)CCCrédito Concedido (Credit Granted)3 more rows