usc aiken student blackboard support

by Hattie Gleichner 6 min read

What do I need to know about my computer at USC Aiken?

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What is the University of South Carolina Aiken known for?

Blackboard Help Minimal Technology Skills University Supported Software You should have access to and be proficient with the software and hardware discussed below. Mandatory accessories include a webcam, either built-in or external, and noise-cancelling headphones with microphone (external, not one built into your computer). Internet Browsers

Is Office 365 available to USC Aiken students?

Always remember to identify yourself as a USC Aiken student if call the USC Columbia Service Desk for assistance. Setup Issues. USC Network Username, SSC, VIP ID, USC ID, MFA and Blackboard. USC Aiken Help Desk 803-641-3391 (non-campus phones) or 4357 HELP (campus phones) This email address is being protected from spambots.

Where is USC Aiken located?

UofSC Aiken’ s Office of Distance Learning is responsible with supporting faculty in all aspects of teaching online providing quality assurance in the use of supported technologies, the Blackboard learning management system (LMS), and promoting deeper knowledge related to online andragogic best practices from an instructional design perspective.

What is the Blackboard course?

The central platform for this course, Blackboard, also complies with ADA requirements. The university seeks to provide effective services and accommodation for qualified individuals

What is the phone number for Blackboard?

For after-hours outages, text or call 803-265-LANN or 803-265-5266 (texts are preferred). Blackboard Help. If you are new to Blackboard and/or are not aware of your Blackboard login credentials, you can find complete instructions on Self-Service Carolina Help.

What are the resources available to online students?

There are many resources available to online students, from tutoring to counseling to addressing academic honesty. You are encouraged to utilize the available student and academic support services throughout the semester.

What is the purpose of conduct?

Conduct intended to interfere with an instructor’s ability to evaluate accurately a student’s competency or performance in an academic program.

What is the Division of Student Affairs?

The Division provides activities, programs and services to address the changing needs of students, staff, faculty and the community. Student Affairs provides information on student services, student involvement, leadership programs, student handbook, and events. Library Services.

Why is netiquette important?

Proper netiquette enables students to be professional while communicating online with faculty and with other students. To comply with course expectations, it is important to consider the following values during online discussions and when corresponding to the professor and fellow students via email, discussions, and other communication:

What browser is used for blackboard?

Firefox - Blackboard usually prefers this browser. Download Firefox for free. Chrome - This is a backup browser for Blackboard. If you cannot access something in Firefox, try Chrome or Safari before contacting your professor or USC Aiken’ s Help Desk.

What is SSC in USC?

SSC is used for administrative tasks such as registration, financial aid, housing, and grades. SSC is also where you setup your USC Network Account which is used to log into Blackboard for online courses and off campus access to Library journals.

How to log into my email account?

To log into your email account, simply click the Email link at the bottom of the UofSC Aiken website, or go…. To log into your email account, simply click the Email link at the bottom of the UofSC Aiken website , or go to:

Office of Distance Learning

Any number of unforeseen circumstances may require prolonged closures of the campus or campus buildings and it is important to prepare for the health and safety of our faculty, staff, and students.

Technology and University Resources

There are many resources available to online students, from tutoring to counseling to addressing academic honesty. You are encouraged to utilize the available student and academic support services throughout the semester.

University Supported Software

You should have access to and be proficient with the software and hardware discussed below.

Academic Integrity

The principle of academic integrity prohibits all forms of academic dishonesty including cheating, lying, bribery, and plagiarism. The following examples illustrate conduct that violates academic integrity, but this list is not exhaustive.


The technology tools utilized within this course offer a variety of accessibility features, such as compatibility with screen readers, text-based visual alternatives, video scripts, and attention to Universal Design. The central platform for this course, Blackboard, also complies with ADA requirements.

Title IX

It is the policy of the university in order to maintain an environment in which the dignity and worth of all members of the institutional system are respected, that sexual harassment of employees or students is prohibited. Such conduct is a form of behavior which seriously undermines the atmosphere of trust essential to the academic environment.

Emergency Services

University Police has established that ALERTUS as USC Aiken's emergency notification system. If there is a condition which threatens the health and safety of persons on campus, university officials will warn the campus community using one or more of the following methods:


The University of South Carolina’s Blackboard system is a Learning Management System (LMS) that allows instructors and students to engage online in instructor to student, student to material, and student to student interactions.

Getting Assistance

If you need assistance on Blackboard issues, or just have questions, you can contact us:

Blackboard Training for Instructors

A good way to become familiar with the options and functions that Blackboard offers is to attend one of our training sessions. Sessions are short and cover a variety of topics. To see what training is being offered, and to register for sessions, visit our Event Calendar .