blackboard discussions

by Sonya Hackett V 4 min read

How to create an online discussion?

Develop successful online discussions 1 Define participation requirements .#N#Share your expectations. Create a discussion where students can read about etiquette and access grading information.#N#Model proper online interaction and reinforce appropriate behavior with public recognition. 2 Craft an effective question .#N#Incorporate multimedia resources into your questions to reduce the monotony of purely text-based interactions. With the popularity of services like YouTube™, you can ask students to view a clip and ask for responses. 3 Encourage new ideas .#N#If discussion posts contain too much agreement and not enough questioning of ideas, assign students with the last names A-M to support one side and N-Z to support the other. 4 Moderate .#N#Establish your presence. Ask for clarification, resources, or input from silent participants.

Can you use class discussions in assignments?

While you can use class discussions to develop or share ideas, you can also use conversations for quick exchanges on specific content. For example, when you create assignments, you can enable conversations. Anyone can make a contribution to the assignment conversation—ask for help, share sources, or answer questions others have. Everyone can read the conversations while they view the assignment.

How do I know I'm in a group?

On the Course Content and Discussions pages, your group name is listed after the group discussion title. The name of your group appears when you open the discussion, along with the list of your group members.

Groups page

The groups you can join appear on the groups page. Based on your instructor's settings, you might see Show Members links that display the names of other members who joined before you. In the Number of students column, you can see how many members are allowed to join each group. Your instructor may allow all students to join all groups.

View activity

Each time you open a discussion, new responses and replies are highlighted to show any activity that's happened after you last visited. You can also use the Refresh icon at the top of the discussion to load any responses or replies that your group members may have posted after you opened the discussion.
