blackboard acsc afit

by Abigale Anderson 5 min read

How do I create an account in the Air Force Portal?

Air Force Institute of Technology 2950 Hobson Way Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH 45433-7765 Commercial: 937-255-6565 | DSN: 785-6565

What is the Air Force Institute of Technology?

Air University’s inaugural Summer Workshop on Teaching Space held recently provided attendees with substantive knowledge on space, including leading edge information and in-depth analysis of classic space studies. The weeklong workshop, July 26-30, 2021, at MGMWERX in Montgomery, Alabama, also. Read More.

What is the Air Command and Staff College Online?

Apr 05, 2018 · 1. Log into AU Portal. 2. Click on My Info> Account Info on the left-hand menu. 3. Username will be shown on this page (NOTE: .au MUST be added to the end of the AU Portal username to use for Blackboard.) To access your course materials Login to SOC Blackboard with your username and password. Example:

Who can enroll in Squadron Officer School distance learning?

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What is SANDS in the Air Force?

The School of Advanced Nuclear Deterrence Studies (SANDS) program was founded in July 2015 by Air Force Global Strike Command to develop field grade officers into the next generation of nuclear deterrence leaders and experts. In 2018, the school was incorporated into ACSC to leverage the wealth of academic knowledge offered by Air University in ...

What is the Schriever Space Scholars Concentration?

The ACSC Schriever Space Scholars Concentration is the nation’s first year-long, space-centric IDE program dedicated to developing space strategists. Originally sponsored by Air Force Space Command and now sponsored by US Space Force, the concentration combines the time-tested warfighting curriculum of ACSC (War Theory, International Studies, and Joint Warfighting courses) with space-focused classes that offer deep dives into space history, strategy, operations, and policy. The program offers a world-class strategic space education across all levels of the space enterprise: military, civil, and commercial.

What is PAS in education?

The Political-Military Affairs Strategist (PAS) program is for students selected by their Developmental Education Designation Board (DEDB) or Reserve Developmental Education Designation Board ( RDEDB) to complete a political-military oriented program. In addition to the ACSC core curriculum, the PAS program is designed to provide a broad knowledge of political-military affairs through a series of SAF/IAPA-sponsored lectures and specially approved elective courses that focus on interagency, joint or international topics.

How to create an Air University account?

A common access card is required to create an account using the following method: STEP 1: Log in to the Air Force Portal. STEP 2: Under Quick Links, scroll down to Education/Training/Force Development.

What is an eSchool in the Air Force?

The eSchool’s Squadron Officer School distance learning program is the Air Force’s primary development education program. Squadron Officer School distance learning provides an “air-minded” perspective that prepares graduates for great responsibilities at the squadron level. It also helps build critical thinking skills in the application of AirPower for national security goals and objectives.

Is Air University an online school?

Air University and Arizona State University are proud to partner to bring an agile, adaptive learning environment to the Air Force online professional military education. With a proven track record of delivering complex online education, ASU provides the Air Force a world-class online learning system to deliver its professional development programs. This multi-year partnership improves the student experience by providing highly reliable systems and courseware on demand to Air Force learners anywhere around the globe.
