www.ucisd blackboard

by Mrs. Emmie Auer III 4 min read

May 24, 2021

I hope each of you had an enjoyable weekend. This is the last Monday Message for the 2020-2021 school year and what a year it has been. The growth our staff made in the last 12 months is staggering. I fully anticipate the skills we learned, the growth we made, the confidence built and the resilience we compiled this past year will not go in vain.

Paw Print Pause

The Paw Print Pause has completed Season 1! This is a PD Digest created by Natalie Arias, Blended Learning Specialist for Uvalde CISD Teachers. The purpose of the podcast is to bring educators together through common topics and tips with a little humor and light-hearted conversation. Season 1 podcasts are linked below for your listening pleasure.

UCISD Robotics Showcase 2021

On Saturday, May 22nd our district hosted the UCISD Robotics Showcase. Student campus teams showcased their work and skills in a competitive game designed by Mr. Roberto Cantu of UHS. Students of all ages and levels were represented.

UHS FFA...A Year to Celebrate

Uvalde FFA has had a very successful year! Members were able to travel all across the state of Texas to compete in numerous competitions! Some highlights include the Smokin’ Yotes BBQ Team placing 5th at state with their ribs, the Cotton Judging team placing 17th at state, and the entomology team placing 9th at the state contest! Trevor Black competed as our talent team this year and was the district champion! Uvalde FFA was well represented at the Uvalde County Junior Livestock Show as well.

Morales Junior High

Willie Garcia an 8th-grader at Morales Junior High is a Region 8, Three-Time State Qualifier for the Texas Junior High Rodeo Association. He will be competing in Gonzales, Texas in the TJHRA State Finals from May 23 through May 29. Willie has qualified to participate in 4 events; Team Roping, Tie Down Calf Roping, Chute Dogging, and Goat Tying.

ACE Karate Club at Robb Elementary

This month ACE is showcasing our ACE Karate Instructor, PJ Talavera, and his work with our UCISD ACE program. The below photo showcases his Karate club at Robb ACE and the class's attention to structure, discipline, and detail.

2021 Submission Hunter Pro NATIONALS

Zoe Castano, a Robb Elementary Student, won the 2020 Nationals in Oklahoma in November 2020, she won the 2021 Nationals in Florida in April, she competed in three Pro Submission Hunter fights where she won 2nd and one draw.

Update your contact information

If you have enrolled in a class or registered for an event at UC San Diego Extension in the past, an Extension account was created for you. To access your account, please use your email address to log in.


Login instructions are in your Student Handbook or to obtain a new password simply click Get Password.

September 7, 2021

Over the weekend, I heard a term I have not heard before. Hypernikomen. Most of us are familiar with the term hyper as an adjective, one who is highly excited or extremely active. However, as a prefix, it means going above, beyond, or excessive. The middle part of this word is "Nike," and in the sports world, we are aware of that word.

UCISD Attendance Update

Enrollment for Uvalde CISD for the 2021-2022 school year as of Friday, September 3rd is 4,127.

Learning Together

Students at UDLA have figured out learning is better when done together! Students are actively learning together and supporting one another throughout the campus. The UDLA is a busy campus with students learning a new language, daily lessons, and building friendships.

A New Twist on States of Matter

Ms. Diaz’s 4th-grade science class played Who am I? Headband style. Where students gave clues to figure out what they had on their sticky note (States Of Matter). Wednesday they selected what State of Matter they wanted to write their “I am” poem. Then the class had to guess what they selected.

Citizenship and Graphing at Dalton Elementary

Ms. Elrod's first-grade classroom demonstrated great citizenship by drawing and writing examples of rules and expectations at Dalton Elementary. While students in Mrs. McCullough's class completed a math activity using m&m's to create a graph. Students sorted, organized into tallies, created bar graphs, and answered questions using their data.

UHS NJROTC Naval Horizons Essay Contest Winner!

Uvalde High School NJROTC student Marcy Morales has been announced as a Naval Horizons essay contest winner! As a winner, Marcy will receive a $200 cash prize from Naval Horizons. Soon, Marcy's winning essay will be featured on the Naval Horizons Highest Honor page where exceptional essays are highlighted.

UHS Destiny Discover: Library Online Catalog

Hope Sandoval, the lead librarian, oversees the Uvalde High School library. She led a Destiny Discovery session teaching students and teachers how to utilize the online library catalog. This session launched Coach Ahlschlager students into a researching countries project in World History.
