www blackboard jhu edu

by Mr. Clifford Wyman 6 min read

What is a Blackboard course site?

Canvas to replace Blackboard as university's primary learning and teaching technology (Monday, September 20, 2021) Eight Johns Hopkins divisions will migrate to a new learning management system beginning with the 2022-23 academic year.

How do I contact cerweb at Johns Hopkins University?

The Center for Educational Resources MSEL, Garrett Room Johns Hopkins University 3400 North Charles Street Baltimore, MD 21218-2683 [email protected]

Does blackboard update its documentation?

How to login to Blackboard: 1. Go to https://blackboard.jhu.edu/. 2. Click the Login using JHU Enterprise Authentication link. 3. Enter your JHED ID ([email protected]) and Password. You should now be in the ‘My Institution’ page. Your courses will be listed in the ‘My Courses Plus’ module.

How do I report errors or technical problems on Blackboard?

On Tuesday, December 28th beginning at 6:00AM (Eastern) through 8:00PM (Eastern), the blackboard.jhu.edu system will be upgraded to Blackboard Learn 3900.26 (more info at ‘What is New‘). The system will be unavailable during this time, and a maintenance page will be displayed until the system is available once more.


What is a calendar in Blackboard?

Calendar is a building block that significantly enhances the calendar features in Blackboard Learn . Once installed and activated, faculty and students can view institution level, course and personal events in a single calendar view.

What is LTI support?

Support for Basic LTI: This is an IMS derivative of the full Learning Tools Interoperability specification that provides a simple integration for instructors to link to external learning tools and applications that also conform to the specification, enabling single sign-on, from within their courses. This capability provides instructors greater choice when it comes to their instructional tools and resources.#N#Support for Common Cartridge 1.0: Support for Common Cartridge 1.0, an IMS specification, is now available in the Blackboard Learn platform. Course content packages saved in this standard can be imported into the Blackboard Learn application and course content created in the Blackboard Learn application can be exported as Common Cartridge packages, enabling greater sharing of learning content between learning management systems.#N#Module Enhancements in Community Engagement: Blackboard Learn software administrators can now assign categories to modules in the Community Engagement module. This enhancement provides improved searching for the end user and allows administrators to better manage their portal content. In addition the interface where end users select modules to personalize their Blackboard Learn software environment has been updated to create a more intuitive experience.

What is TinyMCE?

TinyMCE is a javascript-based WYSIWYG content editor that provides a stable, robust user experience. The legacy WebEQ equation editor has been replaced with a new mathML equation editor (WIRIS).

Can you print an exam after it is over?

Detailed description: We have a school that has strict requirements around exam availability to students. Students are not allowed to print or keep any copy of an exam during or after an exam period is over. The school would like to provide immediate feedback to the student by displaying their exam results along with the correct answers. However they do not want the students to have access to the questions and answers after they’ve left the classroom for fear of the exam being printed or shared with others.

What is OCRED PDF?

An OCRed PDF which is used to improve the text of scanned documents. A Tagged PDF with improved navigation, especially for students using a screen reader. An HTML version that will allow students to adjust text for your mobile devices. An ePub version for use an eReader or tablet.

What are the different types of PDFs?

Depending on the type of document, students may find some or all of the options below available: 1 An OCRed PDF which is used to improve the text of scanned documents 2 A Tagged PDF with improved navigation, especially for students using a screen reader 3 An HTML version that will allow students to adjust text for your mobile devices 4 An ePub version for use an eReader or tablet 5 An audio version for listening to an MP3 on a computer or mobile device 6 BeeLine Reader, which makes reading easier and faster by using color gradients 7 A translated version that translates content into over 50 different languages

LMS Migration Project

JHU has launched a comprehensive process to select a replacement for Blackboard Learn, the University’s primary learning management system (LMS). Blackboard Learn will no longer be supported by the vendor at the end of 2023.

LMS Selection Process Overview

The Provost’s Office has formed the LMS Steering Committee with representation from division leadership, faculty, and students to guide the selection process. They will review replacement LMSs and make a recommendation to senior leadership based on the needs and feedback of faculty, students, and staff feedback.

Blackboard Known Issues

This page to highlights some of the known issues with the current version of Blackboard.

My Blackboard

My Blackboard is a single location for access to user tools, such as grades. To learn more, see My Blackboard.

Supported Browsers and Operating Systems

This list of supported browsers for Blackboard Learn 9.1 Q4 2019 was compiled from Browser Support and Browser Support for Blackboard Learn 9.1 Q4 2019.

Accessibility in Blackboard

Blackboard strives to make all its products as accessible as possible. JAWS 18 and 17 are used during accessibility testing of each Blackboard Learn release.

Start of Term Tips for Instructors

Course Site: There is typically no need to request a Blackboard course site – all full-time AS/EN, Carey, Nursing, SAIS, Peabody, and Education courses should have a course site by default in Blackboard.

Why is my blackboard not working?

If you experience problems using Blackboard, it may be because you are using an unsupported browser or you do not have the most recent version of your browser. A common fix is to clear your browser’s cache and cookies for all time.

How long does it take to see a course in Blackboard?

You can check for typical issues that affect course access for the current term. If you have just enrolled in the course in SIS, it can take up to 24 hours before you will see the course in Blackboard. Note that some courses require that you first complete an orientation in Blackboard.
