wichita styate blackboard

by Willow Jakubowski 9 min read

Is Wichita State ready for Blackboard ultra?

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What is blackboard?

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How do I login to blackboard as a faculty or student?

Welcome to Blackboard, Wichita State University's Learning Management System (LMS). An LMS is an online learning environment that supports face-to-face, hybrid, flipped, and online instruction. Unlike an unprotected website environment, an LMS like Blackboard provides a FERPA compliant space for student learning. ...

Where can I find my course information in Blackboard?

Logging Into the System. After you have registered with Wichita State as a faculty or student you will be given a myWSU ID number. You should login to the Blackboard homepage by logging in to mywsu.wichita.edu.. Please note that the myWSU portal will "time out" after 30 minutes. Your Blackboard session may be affected by that timeout.

What is a syllabus for a class?

Your course syllabus, written by your instructor, provides an overview of the topics, learning objectives, learning resources and online "classroom" environment. The syllabus will also describe the grading policies, requirements such as reading assignments, homework, projects, class participation, and whether your exams will require proctoring. By downloading and/or printing the syllabus for your class, you'll have a convenient way to refer to the course outline and structure.

What are the components of an online class?

Possible classroom components include readings, research (library and Internet), streaming video, virtual labs, animation-based activities and charts.

Where to take a proctored exam?

A proctored exam is taken under the observation of an approved person (proctor), usually at a testing facility. If your test is not proctored but is administered within Blackboard, then a link to your exam will appear inside Blackboard at the time specified by your instructor.

Accessibility Services

Wichita State University's Office of Disability Services provides individuals with learning, mental or physical disabilities an equal opportunity to attain their academic and personal goals to the fullest of their abilities.

Student Consumer Information

Link to the Office of Financial Aid to review information about how to obtain, maintain and repay student aid.

Technical Support

Wichita State University's OneStop for Student Services is about giving students the help they need in order to succeed; a proactive approach to keeping students on the path to completion. Link to OneStop for more information on student-centered technological support and a variety of available services.

Student Safety

Providing a safe and secure environment for the WSU community is a top priority and many people are working daily to make sure we are doing all we can as a university. We must all work together to make our campus safe.

Blackboard Ultra

Blackboard Ultra is Blackboard's upgraded Learning Management System, and Wichita State will be gradually shifting to it throughout 2021 and 2022. Don't worry, this is not something that will be changed suddenly, and you will have ample opportunities for help and training throughout the process.

Preliminary Ultra Rollout Schedule

Early Pilot of Ultra system, spring term 2021. An early "pilot pilot" is underway, and if you are interested in joining it, please email a request to [email protected].