why pay 30 when you can sign into blackboard mene

by Mrs. Paige Champlin 5 min read

How to purchase a course on CBE?

Purchase. The fastest way to purchase a new course is to click on "Purchase and Pay" on the left-hand menu. From the "Purchase and Pay" page, you can click on any course or CBE you wish to take. From there, you will proceed to the shopping cart and navigate through the scheduling process.

How long do passwords have to be?

passwords must be at least 9 characters long, must contain a mix of upper- and lower-case characters, have at least 1 numeric character, have at least 1 special character. The password change dialog will display a Valid Password message when the typed password meets all the requirements.

How to contact TTU K-12?

To utilize the new TTU K-12 student services portal, please go to: studentservices.k12.ttu.edu. You can also reach the call center by dialing (800) 692-6877. Security of student data and information is a priority for Texas Tech University, and we have enhanced our ability to protect all student and parent information.

What is TTU K-12 intake form?

The intake form is used for all students regardless of the program the student intends to enroll in and does not guarantee admission to the Full-time Diploma Program. The Intake Form collects student information and demographic information required to establish a student record. Students will have an opportunity to change programs from within Focus if they desire.

Is Safari for Windows supported?

Please use this Browser Checker to see if your system is compatible. Safari for Windows is no longer supported by Apple and no longer offers Safari updates for Windows.