its about going to the blackboard and raising your hand

by Baron Prohaska 3 min read

Some of them will laugh and most of them won't care but for some, they might honestly see that it's about going to the blackboard and raising your hand. And that's the broader theme. Toby Ziegler
Toby Ziegler
The introduction to the episode puts Toby's birth on Decembr 23, 1954, and shows his father working for Murder, inc. around that time.
: Where you going?

What does raising your hand on the blackboard mean?

Mar 17, 2022 · “It’s about going to the blackboard and raising your hand” – The West Wing — Lisa Hood (@lisaw33) February 13, 2015 “It’s about going to the #blackboard and raising your hand. And that’s the broader theme.” (CJ Cregg on Aaron Sorkin’s #thewestwing, S02E09). 8. Max Held on Twitter: “”It’s about going to the #blackboard ...

What is Blackboard Collaborate with the original experience?

Oct 08, 2021 · And that it’s really about raising your hand, and going (fearlessly) to the blackboard. Here’s the clip (starts at 43 seconds): … 7. Lisa Hood on Twitter: ""It's about going to the blackboard and raising … "It's about going to the blackboard and raising your hand" – The West Wing — Lisa Hood (@lisaw33) February 13, 2015

Can you read chat messages in Blackboard Collaborate?

May 21, 2021 · oduits odu_its. Blackboard Collaborate is a real-time video conferencing tool that lets you add … To access Blackboard Collaborate Ultra, click on Tools in the course menu. On the right, click on … preview how you'll look on screen before sharing your video. Follow the … Raise your hand if there is no opening to speak. 11.

What is the whiteboard used for in Blackboard?

Mar 12, 2020 · You can draw the attention of the presenter by raising your hand. This can be used to indicate at a specific point that you wish to partake or ask question. It might be used to respond to a poll type question. Also see How to Use Polls. It might be that you have an urgent question. Using Emojis in the Chat

What is the next West Wing quote?

And we crossed the ocean and we pioneered the West and we took to the sky. The history of man is hung on a timeline of exploration, and this is what's next.”Aug 24, 2021

What is the best episode of the West Wing?

The 15 Best Episodes of 'The West Wing', Ranked"Two Cathedrals" Season 2, Episode 22.2. " 17 People" ... "In the Shadow of Two Gunmen" Season 2, Episodes 1 & 2. ... 4. " In Excelsis Deo" ... "Pilot" Season 1, Episode 1. ... "Noel" Season 2, Episode 10. ... "Celestial Navigation" Season 1, Episode 15. ... "Bartlet for America" Season 3, Episode 9. ... More items...•Oct 16, 2020

Does Bartlet pardon Toby?

Toby is pardoned of his crime by President Bartlet in what turns out to be the latter's final official act before leaving the White House.

Who has the most lines in the West Wing?

But while Bartlet doesn't have the most lines in the show, it turns out he speaks the most words of any character. Also worth noting — Josh Lyman spoke ~10,000 words more than CJ, ~18,000 more than Toby, and around 20,000 more than Sam or Leo!Mar 30, 2017

Why was The West Wing Cancelled?

The West Wing's cancellation was the result of declining viewership and a shift in writing style, but was also the natural endpoint of the series.Jan 22, 2021

Did Toby take the fall for CJ?

Despite Toby's confession, it's never confirmed that Toby actually committed the leak. It's possible he was covering for someone else. Visual storytelling at the end of "Things Fall Apart" implies that C.J. was the source of the leak.

What is the funniest West Wing episode?

In Excelsis Deo (season one, episode 10) ... Celestial Navigation (season one, episode 15) ... Let Bartlet Be Bartlet (season one, episode 19) ... In the Shadow of Two Gunmen (season two, episodes one and two) ... 17 People (season two, episode 18) ... Two Cathedrals (season two, episode 22) ... Bartlet for America (season three, episode 9)More items...•Oct 22, 2020

Do Zoe and Charlie end up together?

Several episodes in Season 2 bring about the subject of Zoey and Charlie developing an interest in each other, with President Bartlet skeptical about letting his daughter begin dating. After proving himself trustworthy, Charlie and Zoey end up together!Oct 11, 2020

What is Bartlett saying in two cathedrals?

A wise God?” Bartlet exclaims. “To hell with your punishments. I was your servant here on Earth.May 19, 2001

Is West Wing accurate?

Realism. While The West Wing is not completely accurate in its portrayal of the actual West Wing, former White House staffers and journalists have described the show as capturing the feel of the real West Wing.

Does Josh Lyman get fired?

Josh leaves his position at the White House to run Santos's presidential campaign, leaving his legislative portfolio to be taken up by Clifford Calley, a move encouraged by Leo after he and later C.J. notice that Clifford's personality and his skills are not unlike Josh.

Who replaces Leo McGarry as vice president?

Matt SantosMatt Santos (in universe; office holder)Vice PresidentEric BakerPreceded byJosiah BartletSucceeded byUnknownMember of the U.S. House of Representatives from Texas's 18th district31 more rows

Why did Leo McGarry leave West Wing?

The show's producers decided to let those episodes air in his memory. The character's death was written in response to the death of the actor, and McGarry is discovered dead offscreen in his hotel room. According to executive producer Lawrence O'Donnell, the writers originally intended for Vinick to win the election.

Who is Santos McGarry?

Key staff. Santos/McGarry for a Brighter America was the 2006 presidential campaign for the Democratic Party. Its candidate was Representative Matthew Santos from Texas, and his running mate was former White House Chief of Staff and Secretary of Labor Leo McGarry from Illinois.

Where did Mandy Go West Wing?

As a result, she is hired as a media consultant for Bartlet, much to Josh's chagrin. In her new capacity, she reports directly to him and to Toby Ziegler, the White House communications director. Before leaving Russell's employment, Mandy wrote a memo to him deeply critical of Bartlet's administration.

Who does Josh Lyman end up with?

DonnaIn "Election Day," Josh and Donna consummate their relationship, sleeping together twice, both times at her initiative. Donna gives Josh four weeks to figure out "what they want from each other." In the Season 7 episode "Transition," Josh attempts to recruit Sam Seaborn to be his deputy.