Blackboard Collaborate Ultra is a Course Tool available within Blackboard Courses and myMason Organizations. BlackBoard Collaborate Ultra workshops are held periodically—sign up for these workshops at Blackboard Collaborate Ultra is available 24/7.
You can find Blackboard Collaborate under your course Details & Actions. Next to Blackboard Collaborate, open the More options for Collaborate menu.
Access a course, tap Collaborate under Course Materials, and select a session. The Course Room is a default session in Collaborate Ultra. If your instructor disables this room, it will appear in the app as Locked. Tap an available session to launch it in your device's mobile browser.
To access Blackboard, log in to and select the Courses tab. Faculty and students will gain access to their courses from this location.
Go to Collaborate, open the Menu, and select Recordings or View all recordings.
Click on the Join Room button in the first box (the general room for the course). Then, the room (as shown below) will come up on the screen. For first-time users, click on the link “download the Blackboard Collaborate Launcher” Click on the Download Launcher button. A pop-up window reminds you to install the launcher.
In your course menu: Click Tools. Click Blackboard Collaborate Ultra. Choose the session indicated by your instructor.Feb 1, 2021
All registered classes at Mason are assigned a Blackboard course shell on the Mason server. To locate your Blackboard courses, go to MyMason (, log in using your Mason ID and two-factor authentication, and click on the Courses tab.
What is Blackboard? Blackboard is a course management system used campus-wide at George Mason University.