where do i find final comments in csudh blackboard

by Dr. Asia Gerhold 3 min read

How can CSUDH students check grades online?

We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us.

How do I launch Zoom from my blackboard course?

: work with the Grade Center data outside of Blackboard Learn. 7. SORT COLUMNS BY: Access a menu with options to sort the Grade Center items 8. MORE OPTIONS ICON: Throughout Blackboard Learn, items may have menus with options that are specific for each item. To view this menu of options, select the Click for More Options icon on the right side ...

Why choose CSUDH?

May 29, 2021 · Blackboard & Zoom · CSUDH IT Help Desk current hours: Monday through Friday 8am – 5pm · Visit toro.csudh.edu for live online support Monday through Friday … 5. CSUDH – Academic Technology

What types of online courses are offered at CSUDH?

Various student Blackboard tutorials are available below: Blackboard | Faculty Below you will find resources to support the use of Blackboard , which has many flexible features that enhance teaching and learning online, face-to-face, or using a hybrid model.


How do I check my final grades CSUDH?

How do I check my grades? You can login to MY.CSUDH.EDU to check your grade online. If you have any technical problem, please call (310) 243-2500 or submit your support request here.

Is CSUDH still online?

Dear Toro Community, As you know, the CSUDH campus will return to holding 80% of our courses in person during the Spring 2022 semester. Many students, staff, faculty, and senior administrators are excited by and recognize the importance of being back to face-to-face engagement.

Is CSUDH online for fall 2021?

The class schedule offerings for the Fall 2021 semester are available online via My Class Search. There, you can search classes offered by subject, course number, meeting time, days of the week, instructor, course level and GE requirements.

What is alternative instruction CSUDH?

Alternative Instruction Class It may include general alternative teaching methods that comply with public health guidelines while achieving course learning outcomes, such as face-to-face instruction consistent with CDC guidelines, distance synchronous or asynchronous instruction, or a combination of these.

Will CSUDH be open Fall 2021?

In Fall semester, 2021, we are transitioning many classes back to campus. Many classes remain fully online as well. ... Once enrolled, you will be contacted via your CSUN email for updates about on-campus meetings and possible room changes.

How do I get a CSUDH ID?

Your request can be sent to our admit email account at [email protected]. Once we receive your complete email, please allow 5-7 business days for your ID to be mailed to the mailing address on your file.

Will CSUDH be online in spring 2022?

Spring 2022 Academics As announced on January 7, the first three weeks of the Spring 2022 semester will be delivered online. Courses will begin in an online modality on January 24, and face-to-face instruction will now start on Monday, February 14.

Does CSUDH have dorms?

CSUDH University Housing is an apartment and residence hall complex composed of 22 two-story apartment buildings, 1 four-story residence hall, and 3 common buildings. ... Our residence hall has a total of 170 rooms offering double, triple or quadruple occupancy options.

Is Dominguez Hills doing online classes?

CSUDH is one of the most recognized distance learning schools in the country, offering 9 degree and multiple certificate programs and courses online.

What is alternative instruction?

Alternative Teaching is a co-teaching model where one teacher works with a small group of students, as the other teacher instructs the large group. The small group lesson can take place in or outside the classroom and can focus on content that is similar or different from what is being taught to the rest of the class.

What does alternative instruction mean?

WHAT DOES ALTERNATIVE METHODS OF INSTRUCTION (AMI) MEAN? AMI simply allows for the continuation of learning when students miss days of regular instruction. Students will have the opportunity for skill reinforcement, remediation and enrichment through electronic or conventional paper lessons.

Frequently Asked Questions

These are great for students who need a refresher or an answer to a quick question. You can find all our FAQs from the library’s homepage or curated collections for a topic on our research guides.

Videos & Paired Learning Activities

Work with a librarian to have a quiz or activity designed to complement one of our existing videos. Find some of our videos and tutorials on our Getting Started with Library Research guide.

Linking to Library Resources in Blackboard

In addition to instructional materials we design, we also have lots of great resources you can add to your Blackboard course! This includes our library subscriptions to streaming videos, articles, ebooks, datasets, and primary sources.

Spring 2021 Instructional Services

Looking for ways to teach information literacy and research concepts online? Library faculty can help! We'll be offering all virtual instructional services for Spring 2021, including videos, interactive tutorials, resources and activities in Blackboard, librarian designed assignments, and live zoom class sessions.

New for Spring 2021

We've been hard at work creating additional instructional materials this past semester. Some of our exciting new materials include:


As we navigate this unusual semester together here are some final tips for making the most of our instructional resources.
