what web browsers) does stan state recommend using to access blackboard

by Meggie Weissnat 10 min read

The Blackboard app for students and the Stan State Mobile App can not replace your computer browser access to Stan State Bb. For best results, use Firefox or … 4. Blackboard Information & FAQ – California State University … https://www.csustan.edu/blackboard/blackboard-information-faq How do I log in to Blackboard?

Full Answer

What web browsers are compatible with Stan?

Sep 06, 2021 · 5. Stan State Blackboard Basic Information – California State … https://www.csustan.edu/blackboard/basic-information. Web Browsers. Use the most current version of Firefox. Google Chrome is an alternative browser. Other browsers may not display all Bb … 6. HTML Content in Blackboard – California State University …

What is the recommended browser for use with blackboard?

This page explains how the end access to Blackboard will affect access to course materials and student data in old Blackboard courses. It provides instructions for saving various bits of data that can be used 'offline' outside of the Blackboard environment.Introduction: Course Content vs Course DataBlackboard Export Package = Course ContentBlackboard can create a course export

How do I know if my web browser supports Stan?

What Internet browser should I use to access Blackboard? Supported Internet browsers at Fort Hays State University include the most recent versions of Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Google Chrome. Safari (for Mac users) may also be used with Blackboard, but please note that it may not be compatible with some systems at FHSU. The recommended browser for use with …

What browsers are supported at Fort Hays State University?

Sep 05, 2021 · CSU Stanislaus Blackboard the Web-based server software and an application which features course management, customizable open architecture, and … 6. Blackboard Login Csustan – BlackboardHub.Com

Where can I get a one-on-one consultation?

You can schedule a one-on-one consultation with one of our staff members at the OAT staff page or the TDX service catalog page !

Where can I get support regarding academic technology?

At the Office of Academic Technology, we are always here to help. There are multiple ways for our staff to assist you. We offer open office hours, one-on-one consultations, or you can reach out to us at [email protected] !

When is the last day we can use Blackboard?

CSU Stanislaus will be transitioning to Canvas fully on June 4th at the end of the 2021 Spring semester. After this time faculty will no longer be able to access their Blackboard courses or content. It is for this reason that we encourage all faculty to migrate to Canvas as soon as possible.

How can I move my courses from Blackboard to Canvas?

We have both picture-guided and video tutorials on our OAT site regarding the migration of your Blackboard courses into Canvas. Further, you can fill out a request form and if you need additional help, always feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] !

When will my course shells be available in Canvas?

Canvas course shells are generated automatically by PeopleSoft. While exact dates can vary, course shell creation follow this general schedule:

What kind of external tools does Canvas support?

Canvas supports a variety of external tools to help create your course. Some of the tools that can be integrated with Canvas include: Zoom, Panopto, Turnitin, VoiceThread, McGraw-Hill Connect, Google Drive, Office 365, and YouTube. If you have any questions regarding Canvas and external tools, feel free to reach out at [email protected] !

Is there anyone in my department who can help me with Canvas?

Yes, we have designated Faculty Ambassadors to Canvas. These FACs are from a variety of departments from all colleges. View a list of all our FACs.

When will Windows 7 support end?

Support for Internet Explorer was dropped on March 21, 2019 due to dropping support for Flash plugins. Support for Windows 7 will end on January 1, 2021 due to all support from Microsoft ending in January 2020.

Is application sharing available on Safari?

Application Sharing is available on Chrome, Firefox, and Microsoft Edge (Chromium), with no plugins required. It is not yet available in Safari stable releases. It may be made available in a future Safari stable release.

How to check browser on Blackboard?

The Blackboard browser check will check the following configurations: 1 Browser Check: Checks to see if the browser you are using is validated for use with Blackboard. At this time, we only support browsers that are Compatible or Certified. 2 JavaScript Check: Almost every part of the Learning System relies on JavaScript for the ability to generate interactive web pages. You must have JavaScript enabled. 3 Cookies Check: Makes sure your browser is configured to allow cookies, small bits of data Blackboard stores on your computer. 4 Pop-up Blocker: The Learning System sometimes uses small browser windows to deliver requested content. 5 Port 80 Check: Port 80 is your standard Internet port and its how information enters your computer from Blackboard. 6 Java Check: Checks to make sure Java is installed on your system. 7 PDF Check: Verifies that you can open Adobe Acrobat files.

What is port 80?

Port 80 Check: Port 80 is your standard Internet port and its how information enters your computer from Blackboard. Java Check: Checks to make sure Java is installed on your system. PDF Check: Verifies that you can open Adobe Acrobat files. Pay attention to any warnings that indicate potential compatibility issues.