what is a blackboard structure

by Mable Harvey 5 min read

Blackboard architectures partition domain knowledge into independent knowledge sources and build up solutions on a global data structure, the blackboard. The blackboard serves the function of the working memory, but its structure is much more complex.

A blackboard system is an artificial intelligence approach based on the blackboard architectural model, where a common knowledge base, the "blackboard", is iteratively updated by a diverse group of specialist knowledge sources, starting with a problem specification and ending with a solution.

Full Answer

What is blackboard?

Oct 09, 2021 · If you are looking for blackboard structure, simply check out our links below : 1. Blackboard (design pattern) – Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackboard_(design_pattern) A blackboard system is an artificial intelligence approach based on the blackboard architectural model, where a common …

What is the impact of education at Blackboard?

Dec 12, 2020 · Blackboard is a customizable online learning tool that can replace or supplement traditional face-to-face classes for a school or any other classroom structure.

What is a web enhanced Blackboard Classroom?

Oct 20, 2021 · Blackboard Organisations are set up specifically to support student learning that takes place outside of the formal Blackboard course structure for a single … 9. An innovative new Blackboard structure for Arts and Humanities. An innovative new Blackboard structure for Arts and Humanities

What kind of notifications can an instructor post on Blackboard?

Blackboard architectures partition domain knowledge into independent knowledge sources and build up solutions on a global data structure, the blackboard. The blackboard serves the function of the working memory, but its structure is much more complex.


What is the blackboard architecture?

The blackboard architecture is a flexible and powerful expert system framework. It represents a general approach to problem solving that is useful in many domains of applications especially in the area of intelligent control.

What are the three main components of Blackboard pattern?

Structure. The blackboard model defines three main components: blackboard - a structured global memory containing objects from the solution space. knowledge sources - specialized modules with their own representation.

What are the components of the blackboard model?

A blackboard system consists of three components: 1) Knowledge sources (KSs); 2) Blackboard; 3) Control component. Knowledge sources are independent modules that contain the knowledge needed for problem solving.

What are the advantages of blackboard architecture?

Advantages of Blackboard Architecture Style Blackboard architecture style provides concurrency which allows knowledge sources to work in parallel. This architecture supports experimentation for hypotheses and reusability of knowledge source components.

What is repository architecture explain with example?

A repository architecture consists of a central data structure (often a database) and a collection of independent components which operate on the central data structure Examples of repository architectures include blackboard architectures, where a blackboard serves as communication centre for a collection of knowledge ...

What is pipe and filter architecture?

The Pipe and Filter is an architectural pattern for stream processing. It consists of one or more components called ​filters​. These filters will transform or filter data and then pass it on via connectors called ​pipes​. ... Each filter will get input from one or more pipes and pass it via pipes.

What is the characteristic of blackboard?

A blackboard (also known as a chalkboard) is a reusable writing surface on which text or drawings are made with sticks of calcium sulphate or calcium carbonate, known, when used for this purpose, as chalk. Blackboards were originally made of smooth, thin sheets of black or dark grey slate stone.

What is blackboard PDF?

Blackboard is a Web-based course-management system designed to allow students and faculty to participate in classes delivered online or use online materials and activities to complement face-to-face teaching. ... In contrast, other courses may be conducted entirely through Blackboard, without any on-campus sessions.

What is architectural design enlist different styles and patterns of architecture?

Examples of architectural patterns are microservices, message bus, service requester/ consumer, MVC, MVVM, microkernel, n-tier, domain-driven design, and presentation-abstraction-control.May 4, 2020

What is data structure architecture?

Data architecture definition Data architecture describes the structure of an organization's logical and physical data assets and data management resources, according to The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF).Jan 24, 2022

What is repository architectural style?

In Repository Architecture Style, the data store is passive and the clients (software components or agents) of the data store are active, which control the logic flow. The participating components check the data-store for changes. The client sends a request to the system to perform actions (e.g. insert data).

What is pipes and filter style?

What is the Pipe and Filter style? The Pipe and Filter is an architectural design pattern that allows for stream/asynchronous processing. In this pattern, there are many components, which are referred to as filters, and connectors between the filters that are called pipes.

Organize the course menu

You can rename, reorder, delete, hide, and add course menu links as needed. Deleting a content area link from the course menu is a quick way to delete an entire area as well as the items within it. However, the content area and all items within it are permanently deleted. This action is final. If you're unsure, hide the content area instead.

Create content items, tool links, and files

After your course menu is organized, you can upload files from your computer, edit existing content, and create new content and tool links. Using a wide variety of content types and tools provides a rich, interactive learning experience for your students.

Edit, move, copy, and delete content

When you add a course structure with content examples to your existing course, the content examples appear in addition to the existing content and are unavailable to students. You can edit, move, copy, or delete any of the content.

Preview your course as a student

As an instructor, you want to be confident that your course is well-designed and functions as intended—before your students see it. Use student preview to review the course content and validate the course behaviors, such as those that control the availability of course content or require a particular interaction from the student to be triggered.

Should I include content examples?

Content examples include pedagogical information, instructions, and course items. Even if you have experience working in Blackboard Learn, the pedagogical information and content examples can give you ideas about tools or new approaches.

How do I know what students see or don't see in my course?

As an instructor, you want to be confident that your course is well designed and functions as intended—before your students see it. Use student preview to review the course content and validate the course behaviors, such as those that control the availability of course content or require a particular interaction from the student to be triggered.

What if I have some online content prepared already?

Course structures are added to your course and don't replace your existing content. Include content examples when you add a structure to your course and discover new ways to present the content you've already developed.

What is model based system?

The central concept of a model-based system is a model, a description of a device, or a system using an appropriate modeling language. The model specifies the structure, functions, and behaviors of the devices for the purposes of analysis, prediction, diagnosis, and other such procedures.

What is CBR in a database?

The CBR has its knowledge derived from the historical cases. It has a simple framework consisting of four phases: i) retrieve, ii) reuse, iii) revise, and iv) retain ( Fig. 6 ). In the retrieval phase, knowledge in the database (case repository) in the form of previous experiences and histories (cases) related to the application are searched for. These old cases are then retrieved based on their index and interpreted for the current problem. In the reuse phase, the old cases are adapted to the present situation in order to find the solution. Evaluation of the new cases is carried out and solutions suggested in the revise phase and the new cases are then added to the case repository for future learning, as a part of the retain phase [ 64 ]. One of the examples of CBR application is Intelligent Systems for Aircraft Conflict Resolution (ISAC) [ 65] which was developed to help the decision-making process of aircraft controllers to resolve the conflicts between aircraft. CBR is one of the most commonly used reasoning systems, as its architecture has the capability of accommodating any advanced algorithms, mainly text processing techniques. Moreover, CBR does not require prior knowledge about the system as it solely depends on past experience. Since the CBR involves learning as a part of its methodology enabling knowledge evolution, the CBR can evolve and become expert in the domain, thus having the potential of becoming the future expert systems [ 66 ]. This is an advantage over the other frameworks since the other reasoning systems require maintenance time for updating the knowledge base. Nonetheless, the CBR system is computationally demanding when compared with the PRS and simple rule-based Expert Systems.

What is dice in engineering?

In this paper, we have described DICE, which is a collection of computer-based tools for cooperative engineering design. DICE facilitates coordination and communication in engineering design by utilizing an object-oriented Blackboard architecture, where the various participants involved in the engineering process communicate through a global database – called Blackboard. We have demonstrated the DICE framework through a simulation of the Hyatt Regency Disaster and an implementation of a construction planning KBES. Our current research addresses the following issues in the development of a distributed object-oriented CAD system.

What is expert system architecture?

The Expert System architecture consists of a knowledge base and an inference engine ( Fig. 4 ). Its knowledge is generally represented in terms of rules. Rules represent domain knowledge in an ‘if-then-else’ format and they can be written in different programming languages like C, LISP, and OWL. For example, in the CLIPS expert system used by Siemens, rules are written in OWL 2 language in the format of concept-ontology and instance-ontology [ 56 ]. In some cases, frames are also used to represent the knowledge in expert systems. Frames are used to represent the stereotyped knowledge as a collection of attributes and their associated values. An example is the meteorological vehicle system, wherein the expert system for fault diagnosis is built using object-frame structure, with the frame being a collection of state-object, test-object, rule-object, and repair-object [ 57 ]. Most Expert systems employ Rule-Based Reasoning (RBR) methodology to solve their problem. The RBR is executed in the following two ways: i) Forward Chaining, and ii) Backward Chaining. Forward Chaining starts with the initial state of facts and applies the rules until the endpoint is reached. Backward Chaining starts from a hypothesis and looks for rules that will allow the hypothesis to be proven. In other words, it starts with an effect and looks for the possible root causes that could lead to that effect. Forward Chaining is data driven whereas Backward Chaining is goal driven [ 58 ].

What is a PRS?

The PRS is a knowledge-based reasoning system which has its knowledge in the form of procedures called the Knowledge Areas . The PRS implements the Belief-Desire-Intention concept of modeling for real-time reasoning of dynamic systems [ 10 ]. It consists of the following modules ( Fig. 5 ): i) a goal or objective set, ii) a database with domain knowledge and beliefs that update themselves with new knowledge, iii) a knowledge area which is a library of procedures for actions and tests to achieve the goals, iv) an intention graph which has partially completed procedures to run real-time, and v) an interpreter which communicates with all these modules and carries out reasoning. The interpreter receives the goal or objective for the system, chooses the correct procedure required from the knowledge area, places it on the intention graph to narrow down the set of actions, chooses the correct action based on the intention, and finally starts the procedure which will update the next goal [ 10 ]. Fig. 5 shows the general architecture of the Procedural Reasoning System [ 10 ]. The PRS has been applied to monitor the malfunctioning of the RCS of NASA's space shuttle and also to diagnose and control the overloading of telecommunication networks [ 63 ]. The PRS architecture is simple for execution and reduces the computational time as the procedures can skip unnecessary steps for a particular problem, and narrow down rules to the relevant set directly [ 63 ]. The PRS can implement real-time reasoning and handle dynamic systems, but it can handle only simple plans; any changes to the existing plans and procedures will be time-consuming and tedious.

What is computer aided design?

Computer aided design systems developed to date lack the flexibility to incorporate and reason about geometric entities. Since much of the communications of designers with the coordination system will be graphical in nature, the system must contain or interface with normal CAD facilities.

What is knowledge representation?

Knowledge representation is a substantial subfield of AI in its own right. Winston defines a representation as “a set of syntactic and semantic conventions that make it possible to describe things” ( Winston, 1984 ). The syntax of a representation specifies a set of rules for combining symbols to form expressions in the language. The semantics of a representation specify the meanings of expressions. In the field of expert systems, knowledge representation is mostly concerned with symbolically coding a large amount of domain knowledge in computer-tractable form such that it can be used to describe the task and the environment unambiguously and to reason with the knowledge efficiently toward certain goals.


About Course Structures

  • Even if you're new to online instruction, course structures enable you to create a course in a short amount of time. Use a course structure's course menu links, instructions, and content examples to jump-start your course organization and create a meaningful learning experience for students. After you complete three basic steps, your course will be ready for students.
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Select A Course Structure

  • Before you begin, you can export or archive your course before you add a course structure to ensure you have an original version. More on exporting and archiving courses A selected course structure's content is addedto your course and doesn't replace existing menu items and content. You can delete unnecessary items. Choose a course structure on the Teaching Stylepage. If the …
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Include Content Examples -Or- Start Fresh

  • Including a course structure's content examples populates your course with items appropriate to the course structure type. The content examples are intended to be edited for your own use and are designed to inspire both experienced and novice Blackboard Learn instructors. If you want to include the course structure's content examples, select the Include content examplescheck box. …
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Create Content

  • After you choose a course structure, you can customize your course. The next list provides essential tasks for preparing your course for students. Change Edit Mode to ONto reveal editing features.
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