what are the the question for lesson 3 mnps blackboard

by Ms. Duane Hartmann 10 min read

How do I use the assessment feature in Blackboard?

Module 3 – Blackboard Learn Pools, Questions and Tests In this Module you will learn: Lesson 1: Build a Pool. Lesson 2: Create Questions. Lesson 3: Create a Test. Lesson 4: Setting Test Options. Lesson 1: Build a Pool 1-1 Build a Pool: Step 1 - Under Control Panel: (1) Click on Course Tools -> (2) Choose Tests, Surveys and Pools

How many questions should I create for a blackboard assessment?

Metro Nashville Public Schools. : Evolution of a digital district. Watch the video and download the case to learn how MNPS is embracing the next generation of academic standards and addressing key challenges with the help of Blackboard's teaching and learning solutions.

How do I enter a test or exam on Blackboard?

Feb 9, 2018 - MNPS Virtual School currently utilizes Blackboard as the school's main platform. Beginning with the 2018-2019 school year, all virtual courses …

What happens if I have technical difficulties with my blackboard test?

Oct 01, 2014 · The MNPS Project Expo is scheduled for the first week in March 2015 at Trevecca University in the Boone Business Center. We anticipate the involvement of all 3 tier levels – elementary, middle, and high. Project Expo entries should represent projects completed during the 2014 calendar year.


What are Demonstration Schools?

Increasing instructional capacity on a campus requires a staff to not only attend high quality professional development, but to implement the new learning and reflect upon the outcomes of student learning as a result.

Forward Thinking in Establishing a Community of Leaders and Learners

As educators, we seek ways to continually grow and pursue changing paradigms that will meet the needs of our students. As we pursue creativity and innovation for the purpose of improving teaching and learning, we draw upon the talents and expertise of our fellow colleagues, near and far.

Why Are We Moving Toward Online Digital Content?

In Education 2018, the district’s strategic plan, it outlines the need for personalized learning. It defines personalized learning as “the creation and development of learning experiences that:

Where Can I Find the Sight Word List?

CCSS RF.K.3c states that kindergarten students should “read common high-frequency words by sight (e.g., the, of, to, you, she, my, is, are, do, does).” Sight words account for a large percentage (up to 75%) of the words used in beginning children’s print materials.

Welcome Message from Dr. Steele

Teachers,#N#On behalf of the Leadership and Learning team, it is my pleasure to welcome our new and returning teachers. This time of year is filled with excitement as students return to school. Many of you participated in summer professional development opportunities and will be implementing new ideas and creative projects.

Where can I find the Standards and the Scope and Sequence?

Instruction, curriculum, and assessments will be developed from and aligned to the Common Core State Standards. Instructional coaches district-wide have worked very hard to create Scope and Sequence documents for the 2014-2015 school year. These documents (located in SchoolNet) contain deconstructed standards, learning targets, resources, etc.

Where Can I Find the Updated Unit Planning Document?

Because of the instructional shifts based on the Common Core, teachers are encouraged to map out long-range units. Daily lesson planning is important, but it must occur within the context of a larger plan. In module 8 of the All-Star training, you were introduced to the Teaching for Understanding Planning Cycle and the MNPS unit planning template.

Why Are We Moving Toward Online Digital Content?

In Education 2018, the district’s strategic plan, it outlines the need for personalized learning. It defines personalized learning as “the creation and development of learning experiences that:

Where Can I Find the Sight Word List?

CCSS RF.K.3c states that kindergarten students should “read common high-frequency words by sight (e.g., the, of, to, you, she, my, is, are, do, does).” Sight words account for a large percentage (up to 75%) of the words used in beginning children’s print materials.

Welcome Message from Dr. Steele

Teachers,#N#On behalf of the Leadership and Learning team, it is my pleasure to welcome our new and returning teachers. This time of year is filled with excitement as students return to school. Many of you participated in summer professional development opportunities and will be implementing new ideas and creative projects.

Where can I find the Standards and the Scope and Sequence?

Instruction, curriculum, and assessments will be developed from and aligned to the Common Core State Standards. Instructional coaches district-wide have worked very hard to create Scope and Sequence documents for the 2014-2015 school year. These documents (located in SchoolNet) contain deconstructed standards, learning targets, resources, etc.

Where Can I Find the Updated Unit Planning Document?

Because of the instructional shifts based on the Common Core, teachers are encouraged to map out long-range units. Daily lesson planning is important, but it must occur within the context of a larger plan. In module 8 of the All-Star training, you were introduced to the Teaching for Understanding Planning Cycle and the MNPS unit planning template.

When is the MNPS Project Expo?

The MNPS Project Expo is scheduled for the first week in March 2015 at Trevecca University in the Boone Business Center. We anticipate the involvement of all 3 tier levels – elementary, middle, and high. Project Expo entries should represent projects completed during the 2014 calendar year.

Where is the Updated Lab Safety Manual?

Teachers please adhere to Safety Standards in all Science/Laboratory rooms. Make sure you have checked for expired chemicals and that you have safety equipment in place. An updated 2014-15 Laboratory Safety Manual will be available by September 5, 2015. Site visits will be made to all secondary schools.

How to prepare for Blackboard exam?

Best Practices. Before you start the Test: Check your computer settings: Check your internet connection. Disable popup blockers and/ or firewalls. Make sure your computer is free of viruses and/or spyware. Close all other programs running on your computer before you start a Blackboard exam.

What does a green square with an exclamation mark mean?

Your score for the exam (if enabled by your instructor) or. A green square with an exclamation mark, which means the test is submitted but not yet graded by the instructor (in case of an essay test) If you cannot confirm that your test has been successfully submitted, contact your instructor. blackboard. grades.

Where is the elapsed time on a computer?

The elapsed time appears at the top of the browser window, and you will receive a 1‐minute warning when time is up. You must finish the test before the time elapses to prevent technical problems. Once you begin taking the test, you are required to work until you finish it.

Can you resize a window during a test?

Do not resize or refresh the window during a test. Do not click anywhere outside the test area during an exam. Do not close the window of the test for any reason. Never click the “Back” button or the “Refresh” button on your web browser while you’re taking a test. Answer all the questions of the test.

Can you take a test in Blackboard?

DO NOT wait until the last day to take a test in Blackboard. (If you have technical difficulties or lose your connection, there may not be enough time for you to solve the issue, and you may not be permitted to complete or re‐take your exam.)

Can you take a test more than once?

Some tests may be taken more than once, while others can only be taken once. Your instructor will inform you if the test can be taken more than once. Some of the tests are timed: This means that the instructor has set a time limit.

How to add points to a question?

As you create questions, you can add a point value to each question or assign points to all questions once they have been created using the following steps: 1 Check the box next to the question (s) you want to add points to 2 Insert the point value in the box at the bottom of the window 3 Click Update 4 You can add points to each question individually or multiple questions that you want to have equal point value 5 You can also add point value by question type

How many answers can you add to a matching question?

Multiple Answer: Multiple Answer questions allow users to choose more than one correct answer. Up to 20 answers can be added to the question.

What is a quiz bowl?

Quiz Bowl: Quiz Bowl questions require the answer to be in the form of a question. Specify one or more interrogatives and one or more phrases that must be included in the answer. Short Answer: Short Answer questions require Students to enter an answer into one or more text boxes. True/False: A True/False question displays two answer options: true ...

Is there a partial credit option for false questions?

There is no partial credit option for True/False questions. Follow the instructions for each type of question – add the question and answer. Add Categories and Keywords (optional) Add any instructor notes (instructor notes are private to the instructor) Click Submit to save.

How does distance learning affect student outcomes?

Research in distance learning indicates that student/teacher and student/student interaction greatly enhances student outcomes by improving attitude and motivation and building a sense of community. The result: increased coursework completion rates, higher test scores, and improved retention.

When is the 3rd Pan-Canadian Conference?

The Third Pan-Canadian Conference will take place on Oct 2nd-4th. The first two Pan-Canadian Conferences took place in 2015 and 2017, in Montreal and Charlottetown respectively. The third will, this year, take place at Royal Roads University, in Victoria.
