western oregon university blackboard

by Rebeka Schumm III 6 min read

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What is the UTAC?

The University Technology Advisory Committee (UTAC) is seeking information regarding our Learning Management System ( LMS) as part of a regular review process to help facilitate inclusive recommendations regarding this important element of University Technology. You can learn more about the LMS review process at https://wou.edu/wp/ lms – review /. As an important component of the review, we would like your input on your experience with our LMS, Moodle.

What is UTAC in university technology?

The University Technology Advisory Committee (UTAC) is seeking information regarding our Learning Management System (LMS) as part of a regular review process to help facilitate inclusive recommendations regarding this important element of University Technology. An LMS Review has been convened with the goal to provide recommendations to on these outcomes: stay with our current LMS (Moodle), make a change to a new LMS, and make recommendations on better ways to support our LMS.
