unlv blackboard webcampus

by Zack Predovic MD 8 min read

How to use WebEx in Canvas?

To enable Webex in your course: Click on Settings from your course navigation menu. Click on the Navigation tab. Click and drag WebEx from the disabled navigation menu items to the top half. Click Save.

What is Respondus Lockdown Browser?

Respondus LockDown Browser is a customized browser that increases the security of test delivery in WebCampus . When students are required to use Respondus LockDown Browser to access an exam, they are unable to print, copy, go to another URL, or access other applications. An additional optional feature of LockDown Browser is Monitor, a fully automated proctoring solution.

What is a TA in teaching?

This role is given to a person developing, teaching, or facilitating the course. Teaching Assistant (TA) Teaching Assistants will have modified instructor permissions. While they will have the ability to add items, they are unable to publish/unpublish courses or add users to the course.

Is Canvas a web conferencing tool?

Canvas Conferences is Canvas' internal web conferencing tool, but is currently disabled for the institution. However, Cisco Webex has ben adopted as UNLV's web conferencing and virtual meeting tool and is currently integrated with Canvas.

What is respondus software?

Respondus is software that can be useful if you are interested in creating online assessments. Online assessments can be created right within course, but Respondus can serve as your question database, delivering questions to several online courses. You can also salvage test questions you’ve used for traditional paper testing by importing your properly formatted text document into Respondus. Once you have Installed Respondus on your computer, you may begin creating questions.

Can you use assignments in Canvas?

Assignments (Private Journals): You can use assignments for the option to have students submit journals that only you and/or your TA will see for grading. Instructors and students have the ability to exchange comments on graded assignments in Canvas.

What is Turnitin Assignments?

Turnitin Assignments (Plagiarism Prevention Tool) Turnitin is a plagiarism prevention tool available in WebCampus . Starting August 16, 2019, instructors will have two options for using Turnitin in WebCampus.

Design an Online Course for Success

The Office of Online Education works closely with faculty, program heads,#N#and subject matter experts to develop online and hybrid courses. We have an#N#array of resources and a great team dedicated to empowering your success.


A pandemic staple — remote education — will be incorporated into select traditional classes. Instructors sought for pilot program this fall.

Online Student Resources

The Office of Online Education is dedicated to working with the university community to support the success of online student learning. 'Learn Online' is our website for current and future online students. Feel free to share our Online Student Essentials, Tips for Success, and all of our Resources for Online Students with your UNLV students.
