tulsa blackboard

by Shawn Rosenbaum 6 min read


Staff and enrolled students are automatically loaded as users into Harvey. This is a batch process, however, and currently takes overnight.

Where are my courses?

Course shells are by the FRC upon instructor request or prior use by the instructor. They are typically generated a month before the spring and fall semesters end. If you do not see your course shell or would like one please email Janet Cairns ( [email protected]) and provide the course number and section like EDUC-3171-01.

When do the courses become available?

Courses are set to open automatically at 12:01 am on the first morning of the term. Instructors can make it available earlier or unavailable longer by changing the start date in the Harvey Customization/Properties option.

How long are they available?

Courses are hidden from student view approximately one year after the course was taught. As an example, courses taught in fall 18 will be made unavailable to students before fall 19 begins. The instructor may override the availability in Customization/Properties, Availability.
