tricking teachers on blackboard

by Ms. Reva Tromp 9 min read

How can blackboard help with barriers to student success?

Apr 01, 2020 · Some students will never turn on the mic to ask a question and the chat can get very busy if you invite/ask students to respond to a question and you all …

What is blackboard?

A follow up on the story of the Ghanian teacher who has to draw Microsoft Word on his blackboard to teach the program. He’s Richard Appiah Akoto a 33 year old teacher at Betenase M/A Junior High School in the town of Sekyedomase in central Ghana.

What is blackboard unite for K-12?

This video walks through 10 tips & tricks you can start using in your Blackboard course today. These were demonstrated in the Teaching Online Successfully ...

Does NTNU have any information about the blackboard vulnerabilities?

Jan 26, 2016 · I use Blackboard in order to Display the syllabus and course calendar. Provide additional readings. Post all assignments and related items (e.g., rubrics). Circulate important announcements (e.g., room changes). These are pushed out to students’ myBama emails, too! Post regular content quizzes.


Can professors see when you open a document on blackboard?

As an instructor, you can see when your students opened, started, and submitted tests and assignments with the Student Activity report. In general, this feature looks and functions the same whether you're working in an Original or Ultra course.

Why do teachers use blackboard?

Using Blackboard can be helpful to you and your students. Blackboard is a course management system that allows you to provide content to students in a central location, communicate with students quickly, and provide grades in an electronic format to students.

How do I contact a teacher on blackboard?

Send an emailFrom the course menu, select Tools > Send Email.On the Select Users or Select Groups page, select the recipients in the Available to Select box and select the right-pointing arrow to move them into the Selected box. ... Type your Subject and Message.More items...

How do teachers use Blackboard Collaborate?

0:114:41Blackboard Collaborate Instructions for Faculty - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipFirst log into blackboard. And enter your specific course once in your course scroll down to courseMoreFirst log into blackboard. And enter your specific course once in your course scroll down to course tools and click blackboard collaborate ultra. Next click either of the create session buttons.

Why did blackboards become green?

The color change came in the 1960s, when companies sold steel plates coated with green porcelain-based enamel instead of the traditional dark slate. The new material was lighter and less fragile than the first blackboards, so they were cheaper to ship and more likely to survive the journey.Nov 24, 2017

What are the disadvantages of chalkboard?

. Chalk is dusty in the cleaning process, both on the slate board and on the eraser. Boards often require damp cloths that wipe down the surface to thoroughly clean it. Erasers get very chalky and must be wiped clean.

What is invert selection in Blackboard?

Click Invert Selection and the selected users are no longer highlighted and those users that were not selected will be highlighted.

What is yellow on Blackboard?

The colors map to these percentages: > 90% = green. 89–80% = yellow/green. 79–70% = yellow.

How do I contact my instructor?

Instructors have their own preferred way of communicating with students, so ask what works best for them....Four Ways to Communicate with Your InstructorEMAIL. Email is the best way to communicate with your college instructors. ... CANVAS EMAIL. ... SOCIAL MEDIA DIRECT MESSAGE. ... OFFICE HOURS.Sep 25, 2020

How do I access a virtual classroom on blackboard?

1:013:17Blackboard Collaborate: A one click virtual classroom - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipAccess and collaborate is easy for both students and faculty just launch it from aiming LMS likeMoreAccess and collaborate is easy for both students and faculty just launch it from aiming LMS like Blackboard Learn from a BB student mobile apple right from your browser.

Can Blackboard Collaborate see your screen?

Yes. Blackboard's Lockdown Browser can detect screen mirroring during a proctored examination. However, Blackboard cannot detect screen mirroring, or any other activity during an unproctored examination.Mar 30, 2022

How do I improve my blackboard connection?

Best practices for best experience Close all programs on your computer except for the browser you are using for your Collaborate session. Use a hard-wired (Ethernet) connection, if available. If not available, use a Wifi connection. Only use up-to-date Internet browsers that are supported by Blackboard Collaborate.

What is a blackboard?

What is Blackboard? Blackboard is a web application that teachers and students use to deliver and evaluate assignments, manage courses and exchange files. According to their website they currently serve over 16,000 schools and universities across 90 countries reaching 100 million users.

What protocol does Blackboard use?

Blackboard let's users upload files using the WebDAV protocol – a true 20th century Frankenstein brought to life by Microsoft. With some technical acrobatics we discovered that the cross-site scripting filter tripped up when we uploaded a file with a null byte through WebDAV.

Does Blackboard abuse the same origin policy?

It turns out that Blackboard had anticipated that user uploaded files could abuse the same-origin policy by including malicious code. Their solution? Filter out anything that looks malicious. If your alarm bell didn't go off at the previous section, it's hopefully making a lot of noise now.

Does Blackboard allow uploading?

Like most learning platforms, Blackboard allows its users to upload files. This feature is primarily used by students to upload assignments and by professors to upload slides. But unlike the other platforms, Blackboard serves the uploaded files on the same origin as the application itself.

What is Blackboard Learn?

With a modern intuitive, fully responsive interface, Blackboard Learn™ delivers an unmatched learning experience . Bring learning to life with an LMS that is simple and easy to use, yet powerful, that will enable teaching and learning to happen anywhere at any time.

What is Blackboard Analytics for Learn?

With deep insight into how learning tools are used, the quality of learner engagement, and the impact of instructional design practices on specific learning outcomes, Blackboard Analytics for Learn TM is helping colleges and universities eliminate achievement gaps at scale and setting their students on the path for long-term success.

Why is blackboard important?

Accessibility. Blackboard helps institutions build a more inclusive learning environment and improve the student experience by helping them take clear control of course content with usability, accessibility and quality in mind. Accessible content is better content.

How does Blackboard Engage work?

Blackboard Engage (formerly Blackboard Predict) helps you identify students at risk, making early intervention possible, personal and scalable. Increase retention and graduation through intensive advisement on the basis of early alerts.

What is blackboard intelligence?

Blackboard Intelligence is a complete suite of data management, performance dashboard, and reporting solutions to help you understand and optimize every dimension of your college or university. Learn More.

What is Blackboard's evidence based solution?

With the help of Blackboard’s evidence-based solutions, colleges, universities and systems can identify and overcome barriers to student success and keep learners on track for graduation.

What is learning management technology?

Over the past two and a half decades, learning management technology has changed the face of teaching and learning. With Blackboard's LMS solutions, schools, universities, businesses, and government agencies can ensure that all learners have the opportunity to realize their potential.

Why is it our job to inform parents about grades?

I just got an email from our principal stating that parents were complaining that teachers are not letting them know when their child is doing poorly. I send out an email monthly to parents who have a child with D/F in my class (Mass BCCd email, pretty generic because admin considers D as failing). I rarely get a reply.

To all the student teachers (and others)

I see you all working so hard. Often times under ridiculous circumstances or standards. Teaching alone can be challenging enough. You are tasked with doing this plus creating overly explicit lesson plans, taking sometimes useless classes, and constantly being evaluated. There are several of you in my school right now.

Frogs in My Contract

So a coworker of mine has been reconstituting some dissection frogs (big bullfrogs to be exact) in a sink in my room this week because he doesn't have a classroom of his own (he's special ed science, so his room varies). Today he did dissections with his bio class. He left a couple of leftover frogs in the sink.

Should I quit student teaching?

Hello all, I need some advice. I’ve seen a posts like this on the sub before, but my situation is a bit different, so I thought I’d reach of anyways.

Crazy for wanting to career switch to teaching?

As the title states, I’m pretty adamant I want to switch career paths towards teaching physics through Virginia’s career switcher program. I’ve worked as an engineering manager in the past and currently as a Project Manager overseeing 100 construction workers and a plethora of projects for them simultaneously.


Same-Origin Policy For User uploaded Files

The Cross-Site Scripting Filter That Could Be Fooled

  • It turns out that Blackboard had anticipated that user uploaded files could abuse the same-origin policy by including malicious code. Their solution? Filter out anything that looks malicious. If your alarm bell didn't go off at the previous section, it's hopefully making a lot of noisenow. After a lot of trial and error we found two ways of fooling...
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The Httponly Session That Wasn't

  • Blackboard had taken the preventive measure of adding an httpOnly flag to the session identifier. This flag blocks JavaScript running on the same origin from retrieving session identifiers via. the document.cookie object. Unfortunately, Blackboard rendered this protection useless by also including the session identifier in their WYSIWYG editor. This meant that an attacker only had to …
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Authority Style

  • One of the most popular teaching styles is the authority or lecture method. As the name suggests, this style is popular in a lecture or auditorium setting as the teacher gives students a lengthy monologue on a particular topic while students take notes. Note, the authority style is common in the higher education industry as it requires little stude...
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Delegator Or Coach Approach

  • All types of teachers know how to take the delegator approach as it encourages teamwork or topics that require feedback. As a general rule, most science teachers use this approach as they encourage students to research while they take the observer role. Although this is a popular method, critics believe this isn’t effective for learning because you remove the teacher from the …
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Facilitator Style

  • Teachers who use the facilitator style encourage independent learning and ask questions so students must think critically. A major benefit of this style is it develops students’ problem-solving skills so they get a deeper understanding of the topic. But the teacher must interact with students individually for it to be successful.
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Demonstrator Approach

  • The best teacher uses the demonstrator approach as it combines a lecture with valuable teaching tools like presentations, demonstrations, or class activities. This is a great approach for a school curriculum that prioritizes music or physical education where demonstrations are crucial for understanding a topic. But a downside is it’s difficult to handle students individually, which is diff…
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Hybrid Style

  • Otherwise known as the blended style, this approach incorporates the teacher’s personality with the curriculum as it helps students retain information. This is a popular method as it’s inclusive and gives every teacher the freedom to express their personality while dealing with specific subject matters. Because of this, you’ll find most English and history teachers use this approach.
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Learn The Different Types of Teaching Styles Today

  • Hopefully, after reading this article, you’ll take on board these different types of teaching styles. There are many different teaching methods like the authority style, demonstrator approach, and delegator style. Teachers also use the hybrid or facilitator method, depending on their subject and if it aligns with their student’s needs. Found this article helpful? Great! Then check out the rest o…
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