how to uncheck dialogue box for strayer blackboard quiz

by Aric Nitzsche V 10 min read

How do I add tests and quizzes to a Blackboard course?

Aug 13, 2016 · If you do not want to begin the quiz, click the Cancel button. 7. Select your answer (1) and click the Save Answer button (2). 8. When your answer is saved, a green check and “Saved” will appear where the Save Answer button was. Note: In some cases, you will need to type in an answer in a text box, as shown below. You will also click the Save Answer button when …

How do dialog boxes work in Procore?

Aug 30, 2018 · How to remove questions from a Test which has question sets 1. Log into Blackboard. 2. Navigate to the course. 3. Click on Course Content. 4. Double Click on the Module folder of where the test is located. 5. Double Click on the Learning Activities folder and locate the test. 6. Hover your mouse over the test/quiz name then click on the drop-down arrow and …

What happens if blackboard can't finish grading a test?

1. Log into the Blackboard course where you wish to add a test or quiz. 2. Under Course Management, click the Control Panel button. 3. Click the Course Tools button. 4. Near the bottom of the drop down, select Tests, Surveys and Pools. 5. From the next screen, click the Tests button. 6. Click the Build Test button. 7. In Test Canvas, under Section 1: Test

How many questions should I create for a blackboard assessment?

Oct 26, 2016 · Click on the name of the exam/test/quiz. Click on the grade you received. The view of your attempt will depend on what your instructor has set up. Option 2. Log into Blackboard and enter the course you wish to view the test attempts. Find and click on the exam. Click Begin. Click on View All Attempts. Click on the grade you received. Your calculated grade is a link to your …

How do I edit my discussion board on Blackboard?

Edit or delete repliesOpen a thread in a forum.On the thread's page, point to a post to view the available functions.Select Edit or Delete. The delete action is irreversible. ... When you edit, the page expands so that you can make edits in the editor while you view the original post.Select Submit.

How do I turn on Edit mode in Blackboard?

In the top right corner of your course you can click the Edit Mode button to turn the Edit Mode on and off. When Edit Mode is ON, you see all the course content and the editing controls for each item. Edit Mode OFF hides the editing controls but still displays any content that would normally be hidden from a student.

Can you delete a discussion thread on Blackboard as a student?

Students can delete only their own discussions, responses, and replies. Students can't edit their discussion titles after they create discussions. Open the menu for a response or reply to access the Edit and Delete functions. ... The deletion message also appears if students delete discussion topics they created.

Why does my Blackboard look weird?

When the text you enter into Blackboard has extra space, has funny characters, or looks goofy in some other way, this usually happens when you cut and paste from a Word document or from the web.

What is Edit mode?

Alternatively referred to as edit, edit mode is a feature within software that allows the modification of files. ... Most programs with edit mode toggle between "view" and "edit." When in the "view mode," the user can only look at the file; however, in "edit mode," the user can view and change its contents.Aug 16, 2021

How do you delete a submission on blackboard?

From the pull down menu select View Grade Details. 4. On the screen that appears, find the submission near the bottom of the screen. To the right of the entry, click the button labeled Clear Attempt.

How do you delete a thread?

Android, iOSLong press the thread you want to delete.Select Delete thread.Tap Delete to confirm.

What does clear flag mean on blackboard?

Clear Flag will delete set flags on selected messages.

Which browser is best for Blackboard?

Certified browsers and operating systemsBrowserDesktopMobileGoogle ChromeWindows 10 & 11, macOS 10.14+Android 9+FirefoxWindows 10 & 11, macOS 10.14+Not supportedSafarimacOS 10.14+iOS 12+Microsoft Edge (Chromium)Windows, macOSAndroid, iOS

How do you format on Blackboard?

Choose Preformatted in BlackboardOpen a new Blackboard discussion post.Choose Preformatted under the drop-down options in the toolbar.Highlight your text in Word, copy it, and paste it into the Blackboard post window.When you see the pop-up window, choose “keep formatting”

Which internet browser is not recommended for use in Blackboard?

Google Chrome versions 42+, Mozilla Firefox versions 52+, and Microsoft Edge don't support NPAPI-type plug-ins, including Java plug-ins and many media browser plug-ins. Blackboard doesn't support these browsers for using embedded media types that require third-party NPAPI plug-ins for viewing. 3.


Procore uses dialog boxes that may pop up to confirm an action in your account. For example, the Meetings tool uses dialog boxes to confirm the deletion of meeting items and categories (shown above).


Quit out of your browser and reopen Procore to the page you were working in.