the teachers panties were visible when she wrote on the blackboard

by Prof. Pierce Strosin 4 min read

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I've always hated clothes shopping and this is true now more than ever in the last 3 years. I was at a standard men's fashion retail store within a big shopping centre. I grabbed what I wanted to try on the headed for the change rooms. The change rooms are pretty much in the middle of this small, busy store.

Most Helpful Girls

I'm a math teacher, and about a month ago while teaching my grade 10 class I was up at the board and I dropped my marker, when I bent down to pick it up my giant plain white hanes granny panties with butterflies and rainbows and hearts all over them got bunched up and came out of my pants, and when I stood up (I didn't notice this) they were even more visible, about half of my undies were in plain view to my class, of all the days to wear one of my many favorite undies (about 90% of my panties are colorful kiddish giant briefs, granny panties -.-" I'm a young woman but just love my undies huge and kiddish, I always have) *Blush*.

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When I was eleven my stepsister who was ten was sent to wake me for school. She had a friend of hers with her and they sneaked into my room. My stepsister screamed in my ear and yanked the covers down past my knees. I sat straight up scared out of my wits. I heard her friend squeal something about me being in my underwear.

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