st augustine blackboard

by Rusty Ward II 4 min read

What is the new student portal for Saint Augustine’s University?

We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us.

Why enroll at Saint Augustine’s?

Here's a link that can help walk you through how to clear your cache for both PC and Mac users. Please don’t hesitate to contact the 24/7 USAHS IT Support call center if you need additional support. Ph: 1-888-80-USAHS (87247) Web: Help @ USA. E: [email protected].

Is blackboard available at USAHS?

Aug 29, 2019 · Send to Printer. Blackboard Sign-On. Access Blackboard Learn Here



Please remember to log in to Blackboard with your USAHS email and password.


Students who are experiencing course access issues may be able to resolve them in a few simple steps. Have you tried clearing your cache within Chrome? If your cache is not cleared on a regular basis, the browser may not display your course correctly. Here's a link that can help walk you through how to clear your cache for both PC and Mac users.

Falcons Excel

It is the goal of SAU to produce scholars who thrive in the classroom, and then use that success as a foundation for continued study or a career. With dedicated faculty, stimulating coursework and a number of resources, students receive the support they need to achieve academic excellence.

Falcons Lead

We begin with the end in mind at SAU. No matter where our students start, they end with a sense of ownership over their futures, and the confidence to pursue the next step in their lives boldly. Through career counseling, workshops, and mentorship, our scholars are shown how to be leaders of tomorrow.

Falcons Transform

Programming, extracurricular organizations and exposure to the arts provide students with a transformational experience.

Falcons Believe

With strong Episcopalian roots, SAU keeps spirituality at the heart of all University functions and encourages spiritual growth in its student body.

Falcons Evolve

SAU students are encouraged to maintain proper health and wellness. Facilities and services are made available to ensure they evolve into healthier adults.

Student Portal

Registering for classes and keeping up with your bill made easy! For the Fall 2021 semester and onward, Saint Augustine’s University will be utilizing Colleague as our new student portal.


Registering for classes and keeping up with your bill made easy! For the Fall 2021 semester and onward, Saint Augustine’s University will be utilizing Colleague as our new student portal.
