south central kctcs blackboard disbursement

by Linwood Connelly 10 min read

Why did I get a Kctcs refund?

Refund represents funds being distributed to the student. Financial Aid is disbursed and refunded according to established KCTCS, Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical College (SKYCTC), and federal timelines and guidelines.

What three types of degrees are offered at Skyctc?

We offer associate degrees, diplomas and certificates - and we're here to help you reach your goals.

How do I find my Kctcs ID?

Option 1. Please call 1(855) 246-2282. Then press option 5 for help with your account. Then press # to obtain your ID number.

How do I check my grades on Kctcs?

To view your grades, click on the drop down box "other academic..." on the Student Center page and select “Grades”, and then click on the double arrows pointing to the right. At the end of each semester your instructors will post your final grade. You can view your final grades here in Student Self-Service.

How do I set up my Kctcs email?

General Android ConfigurationNavigate to Account Settings, and select Add Account.Choose Microsoft Exchange Activesync or "Corporate"Enter your email address and password and select Manual Setup.If prompted to accept the Activation Agreement, select Yes.In the Domain\Username field, enter your full email address.More items...

What does an e mean in college?

E = The course attempt is excluded from GPA (grade point average) calculation.

How do I add my Kctcs email to my iPhone?

Email on iPhoneFind and open your Settings app.Scroll until you see, "Accounts & Passwords," and select it.Select "Add Account"Select "Exchange"Provide your email address and a a description that helps you recognize the account, then click, "Next"When prompted, click "Sign In"More items...

Is Ad passing at Kctcs?

D: represents the minimum achievement for credit. It is valued at one grade point for each credit hour in non-remedial and non-developmental courses. E: represents unsatisfactory achievement and indicates failure in the course.

How do I find my GPA Bctc?

Find Midterm Grades and Course Grades in Student Self-ServiceLogin to Student Self-Service.Click on the Student Center tile on your Student Homepage.In your Student Center, use the dropdown under "Academics" and select the "Grades" option, then click the double-arrow.Verify the term.More items...

How do I check my Kctcs email?

Login to your KCTCS email account via Office365. ATTENTION: If you are connecting from a non-KCTCS computer, you may be prompted for a username and password to access email. It is important that you use your full KCTCS email address as your username and your KCTCS password.