
by Rebeka Mayer DVM 8 min read

How do I get on Blackboard?

District 300. 2550 Harnish Drive. Algonquin, IL 60102. P: 847-551-8300. F: 847-551-8413

How do I log into Blackboard?

District 300. 2550 Harnish Drive. Algonquin, IL 60102. P: 847-551-8300. F: 847-551-8413

Why to use blackboard?

The Community Unit School District 300 is governed by the Board of Education consisting of seven elected members. The Board’s powers and duties include the authority to adopt, enforce, and monitor all policies for the management and governance of the district’s schools.

What are the uses of Blackboard?

The following video of the July 13, 2021 Board of Education meeting was originally posted on the District 300 YouTube Channel. YouTube flagged and removed the video for violating its COVID-19 medical misinformation policy. In alignment with District 300's commitment to transparency, the District has released this video as an independent file ...



Please note: during the August 10th Board of Education Meeting, the District's legal counsel provided an update using a wireless microphone. The audio included in the YouTube file is difficult to hear. The district is able to provide an improved audio file, acquired from a backup audio source, that is available by clicking here.


The following video of the July 13, 2021 Board of Education meeting was originally posted on the District 300 YouTube Channel.

How long before school bus pick up?

Bus route information can be found in Parent Portal one week before the start of school. All students should be at their assigned stop 5 minutes prior to scheduled pick-up. If the bus arrives within the 5-minute window, it will not wait for any students not present for pick-up.

What is special equipment?

Special Equipment. Special equipment is provided by Transportation for students if required by the IEP ( Individualized Education Plan). Children requiring special equipment will not be allowed to ride without the proper equipment. Equipment, such as safety vests, remain with the student for the school year.

Can students ride the bus?

Students may only ride the bus they are assigned to and will only be allowed to get on and off at the assigned stop. Under no circumstances will children be allowed to ride home on a bus with another student. Emergencies are parental/guardian responsibility and will not be assumed by the transportation department.
