saddleback blackboard support

by Reyna Carter 4 min read

How do I contact Saddleback student technical support?

How to Login to Blackboard Go to the Saddleback homepage ( Mouse over the Online Education menu and then click on the Blackboard link. Username is the first part of the student email address (i.e. jsmith1) Default password is the student PIN followed by two zeros (i.e. 123400) Please note that it is strongly recommended that the student change their login

What is Saddleback’s online support hours?

WHAT IS BLACKBOARD? Saddleback's online courses are powered by Blackboard (a Web-based course management system designed to allow students and faculty to participate in classes delivered online or use online materials and activities to complement face-to-face teaching). Instructors can provide students with course materials, discussion boards, virtual chat, online …

What is my default password for Saddleback College?

We are providing online support Mon-Thurs 8am-7pm and Fri 8am-2pm. We are here to assist Saddleback students with accessing their college-related accounts, which may include Canvas, MySite, student email, wireless on-campus access, on-campus computers and printers/copiers, and more. Student Technical Support will be fully online.

How do students login to Blackboard?

Welcome to the Faculty Center (BGS 249) The Center provides online course design assistance, instructional technology training and ongoing course support. Our team promotes excellence in teaching and student engagement in face-to-face, blended, flipped or fully online classes. Meet with one of the three staff members one-on-on via phone, online ...


Does Saddleback College use Blackboard?

How to Login to Blackboard. Mouse over the Online Education menu and then click on the Blackboard link. Please note that it is strongly recommended that the student change their login password to a more secure letter/number combination. This is done through their MySite account.

How do I access my IVC email?

Irvine Valley College: Students may access their E-Mail by using any one of the 35 computers located on the first floor of the IVC Library. Tutors are available in the Library to assist students with their E-Mail process. The computers are available during all hours the Library is open.

What is Saddleback ID?

Once you complete the admissions application, Admissions & Records will send you an email containing your student ID number and other login information. Where can I find MySite? MySite can be found on our Saddleback College home page. It is located on the top right corner of the page.

How do I use Saddleback email?

Click on the link or copy and paste it into your browser. Sign in with your entire student email address as the username and a password (You must reset your password if you are using the default PIN+00 as a password).

What is my Saddleback College username?

Your username is your first initial, your last name and then an assigned number (such as jsmith47). Your password defaults to your PIN number plus two zeros (if your PIN is 4798 then your default password would be 479800). To find your Username, just log into MySite and look in the header of the home page.

Where do I find my Saddleback Student ID?

College ID cards for students, faculty, or staff members can be obtained from the Office of Admissions, Records, and Enrollment Services during the office hours of operation. College ID cards are used on campus for various library, laboratory, and classroom tasks as well as printing and copying documents on campus.

How do I get my unofficial transcript from Saddleback College?

Unofficial Transcripts can be accessed and printed from your student MySite account. Log-in to MySite and select My Classes > Academic History.

Where can I find my California community college ID?

A CCCID is a unique student-identifier generated when a student creates an OpenCCC account. Most students get their CCCIDs when they first apply to a California Community College using the CCCApply admission application. You may find this ID on your official college transcript or by logging in to your CCCApply account.Oct 7, 2019

How do you send transcripts to Saddleback?

Emergency transcripts requests must be submitted using the online request option only. Saddleback College does not fax transcripts. Transcripts may be ordered online at