Prince George's Community College offers 10 degrees, four certificate programs, and more than 300 online courses that can be completed online.
Blackboard is a Web-based program that serves as the college's online classroom. You will use Blackboard to communicate with your instructor, to see your course materials, to submit assignments, and to have discussions with your instructor and classmates.
All PGCC Students must log in to Blackboard using their Owl Link username and password. Type your Owl Link username and password into the Blackboard login box. If your login is successful, you will see the PGCC Blackboard homepage.
Blackboard (Student): How to Check your Assignment GradesStudents can find their assignments, quizzes and exam grades under the course menu Quicklinks. ... Go to your course in Blackboard then select Quicklinks from the Course Menu.To view your assignments and exam grades click on MY GRADES.More items...•Apr 22, 2020
Credo Reference provides access to a selection of reference books, including encyclopedias and dictionaries. It also includes cross-references to other resources provided by the Library, such as: Ebrary, the PGCC online catalog, and research databases.Mar 4, 2022
To activate and authenticate your student email, go to the Activate Owl Mail Page. To reset your Owl Mail Password, go to the Reset Owl Mail Page. If you need additional assistance, select the green "Request Service" button on the right side of the screen.Nov 10, 2017
Bring Your PGCC Student ID Number You may find this number on your bill, on your schedule, in your Owl Link, and in your PGCC Navigate account. Your student ID number is also encoded in the bar code of your PGCC ID card, if you have one.
Prince George's Community College (PGCC) is a public community college in Largo in Prince George's County, Maryland....Prince George's Community College.MottoTransforming Lives.TypeCommunity collegeEstablished1958PresidentDr. Falecia D. WilliamsStudents40,0007 more rows
Starting in the fall of academic year 2019-2020, eligible students can attend community college tuition-free. Maryland has earmarked $15 million per year to help low- and middle-income students attend community college full-time.
The following grades earned at the college are used in the calculation of the GPA :GradeGrade MeaningQuality PointsAExcellent; well above average4BGood; above average3CAverage2DMinimum passing; below average13 more rows
002089The Prince George's Community College school code is 002089.
Chapter 5Be sure to review the Student Code of Conduct in Chapter 5 to understand the shared values and expectations of our college community. You can also use the handbook as an academic calendar and planning guide. Take a look!