nyit fcwr 304 blackboard

by Christy Ullrich 7 min read

1. Foundation Courses

With the exception of the FCWR 300 series of professional communication courses, students take most foundation courses in their first year of study. These courses begin with FC (foundations core) and include:

2. Interdisciplinary Seminars

Beginning in sophomore year, students who successfully completed the five first-year foundation courses take four interdisciplinary seminars from four different categories: a) literature, b) behavioral science, c) social science, and d) philosophy/ethics.

3. Mathematics and Additional Science Courses

All students are required to complete a minimum of three credits of science beyond the Foundations of Scientific Process course (FCSC 101), and a minimum of three credits of mathematics. Students can use the following prefixes to satisfy the second science requirements: BIOL, CHEM, PHYS.
