mypurdue works but blackboard does not

by Marion Gottlieb 9 min read

How do I log in to mypurdue?

To access the page you are requesting, a valid Purdue University career account Username and Password must be provided.

How do I log out of the blackboard app?

Don't worry about it. Some professors don't use Blackboard so it won't show up. Others struggle with technology and won't have it up for a week or so. If they mention a Blackboard page in class or on the syllabus and you don't see it, then maybe start worrying. But wait till after the first class before bringing it up.

Does the blackboard app work for instructors?

They are not to be further distributed beyond the class participants. The following are some copyright hints for the successful use of Blackboard. Post links to materials instead of PDF’s. Works published prior to 1923 are in the public domain and can be freely used. Use works produced by the U.S. Federal government.

What happens if I misuse computer resources at Purdue?

myPurdue is the central online hub for students to connect with student services, financial aid, academics and more during their time at Purdue. Log into To access myPurdue, students will need to log in with their Purdue Career Account credentials.


Contribute to the discussion boards of the courses of those in your row

Access the discussion boards of the others in your row by clicking the My Blackboard tab, clicking on another course, and then clicking Discussions in the course menu.

Enter a blog post in the courses of those in your row

Complete a blog post in each of the others in your row by clicking the My Blackboard tab on the top of the screen, entering their courses, and accessing the blog from the Course Content menu item.

Contribute to the wiki of the courses of those in your row

Access and edit the wikis of the others in your row by clicking the My Blackboard tab on the top of the screen, entering their courses, and accessing the wiki from the Course Content menu item.

Stretch Your Skill (optional) - Viewing wiki history

Access your wiki by clicking Course Content in the main menu, then clicking on your wiki.

Create a Group

Click Users and Groups in the Course Management menu to expand that section, then click Groups.

Grading a Blog

In the Course Management menu click on the name of your Blog Tool link.

Grading a Wiki

In the Course Content area (or in the Course Management menu) enter the Wiki you wish to grade by Clicking on it.

What is myPurduePlan powered by Degree Works?

myPurduePlan is a web-based tool used to monitor academic progress toward degree completion.

What is a worksheet?

A myPurduePlan worksheet is a review of past, current and "planned" coursework that provides information on completed and outstanding requirements necessary to fulfill a degree/major/minor/concentration.

Can students view course information in myPurduePlan?

Yes, by clicking on a course in their worksheet they can view the course description, prerequisites required, and available course sections for the upcoming term. Course sections do not show location. The Schedule of Classes search feature on the student's myPurdue portal will show location.

Who can use myPurduePlan?

All currently enrolled undergraduate and professional students who first attended Purdue University beginning Fall 2011 or later. Additionally, any student with a Catalog Term beginning Fall 2011 or later will be able to run a worksheet.

Why can't students who began their studies at Purdue prior to Fall 2011 run a worksheet?

The University chose to start the myPurduePlan project starting Fall 2011. Students who matriculated prior to Fall 2011 should continue working with their academic advisor to check their degree requirements using the existing method in place.

If I have trouble logging into myPurduePlan and receive an error indicating "Access Denied," what should I do?

Check to ensure your career account password does not contain any of the following symbols: +, %, $, @, or &. If it does, change your password and you should be able to access myPurduePlan.

What is the "what if" feature?

The "what if" function allows students to hypothetically change their major, minor or concentration. The new "what if" worksheet will show the coursework that is required for this major, minor or concentration, what courses have been taken that satisfy requirements and what courses are still left to take.

How do I get the right OS on my Apple device?

The Blackboard app supports iOS 11+. To learn which operating system version you're running, see iPhone, iPad, iPod: How to Find the Software Version.

What if my school doesn't appear when I search?

On the app’s login screen, your first step is to search for the name of your school. If your school doesn’t appear in the search, please contact your school’s help desk.

How do I get help with my username or password?

We'd love to help if you're having trouble with your login or password, but Blackboard doesn't have access to student account information. To reset or retrieve your login credentials, contact your school's IT help desk. You can usually find a help desk link or email on your school's Blackboard website.

Does the Blackboard app work for instructors?

If you're enrolled as an instructor in a course, it doesn't show on the Courses page in the Blackboard app. Instructors can use the Blackboard Instructor app.

How do I log out of the app?

Tap the Menu button, select Settings and then Log out. If you are in a course, tap the back arrow until the Menu button appears.

Is the app available in my language?

The Blackboard app is available in over 30 languages, including English, Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, Italian, German, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, and Spanish. See the full list of supported languages in the release notes.

What is myPurduePlan powered by Degree Works?

myPurduePlan is a web-based tool used to monitor academic progress toward degree completion. It combines Purdue University's degree requirements and the coursework that have been completed with easy-to-read worksheets.

What is a worksheet?

A myPurduePlan worksheet is a review of past, current and "planned" coursework that provides information on completed and outstanding requirements necessary to fulfill a degree/major/minor/concentration.

Who can use myPurduePlan?

All currently enrolled undergraduate and professional students who first attended Purdue University beginning Fall 2011 or later can use myPurduePlan. Additionally, any student with a Catalog Term beginning Fall 2011 or later will be able to run a worksheet.

Why can't students who entered Purdue prior to Fall 2011 run a worksheet?

The University chose to start the myPurduePlan project starting Fall 2011. Student who matriculated prior to Fall 2011 should continue working with their academic advisor to check their degree requirements using the existing method in place.

What is the Planner feature?

The Planner is a tool for students to arrange course requirements into future semester blocks. Advisors and students will find this helpful to forecast the students' academic career. It is recommended that students load a plan, then meet with their advisor. The advisor will review the plan, make any necessary adjustments, and lock the plan.

Will advisors be able to see students' plan?

Yes. Advisors can see students' plans and participate in the planning process. There is a Notes section within the planner as well for students and advisors to keep additional information.

If I have trouble logging into myPurduePlan and receive an error indicating "Access Denied," what should I do?

Check to ensure your career account password does not contain any of the following symbols: +, %, $, @, or &. If it does, change your password and you should be able to access myPurduePlan.
