metrocollege blackboard

by Drew Gislason 3 min read

What is blackboard and how do I get Started?

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How do I access blackboard at MCC?

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How do I read the syllabus for my blackboard course?

Answers to many common question can be found there. Contact the 24/7 help desk at , or phone number 888.296.6136 for Blackboard Student Support Services. For instructor support, email the Distance Education [email protected] which will prompt a help desk ticket.

What kind of course material will I See on Blackboard?

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What is a blackboard?

Blackboard. Student Email. Blackboard is the online course-management system used at MCC. It is the primary means of communication for online courses, and is often used to supplement face-to-face classes.

Does MCC require course software?

Some courses require additional software installation; students must be able to install the necessary software on their computer to successfully complete the course. MCC cannot guarantee that all required course software will be available on campus computers.

What is Blackboard and how do I get started?

Blackboard is Madison College's course management system. Your online, online live and hybrid courses will likely use Blackboard. Face-to-face courses might also include content on Blackboard.

Getting started with a practice course

If you would like access to a practice course - that may help you get started using Blackboard, send an email request to Student Computer Help. Include your name and username and mention that you would like to be added to the Library's Blackboard practice course.
