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The Blackboard learning management system brings the latest in proven educational technology tools to Syracuse University by making class content available to instructors and students via the Internet. Because it is web-based, it makes course materials readily …
Blackboard is the supported Learning Management System at Syracuse University. This page contains links to some common questions. More support documentation is available by browsing the links below or using using the menu to browse additional Answers' pages. Authorized users can access the Syracuse University Blackboard via the home page .
Syracuse University’s main Learning Management System (LMS) is Blackboard. While Maxwell does not administer or support the Blackboard system, we are a good place to start should you have a question regarding its usage. If we are unable to provide a solution for you, we can help you to submit your question to the formal SU/ITS Blackboard support system.
This video shows how to copy course data from one course to another. For example, if you wish to copy all your course data from a previous semester's class to a current one.
This video shows how to make a course available in the Blackboard system. By default, when a course is created in Blackboard, it is set to unavailable.
This video shows how to add a TA to a course in the Blackboard system. In Blackboard 9.1, instructors have the ability to add their own TA using the following steps:
This Video shows how to create an assignment and have it show up in the Grade Center.
For more assistance with Blackboard, please contact Whitman Technology Services at [email protected] or (315) 443-2342.