
by Mrs. Camylle Breitenberg 9 min read

How do I contact Mercy College for Blackboard technical support?

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What is the online student blackboard tutorial?

Mercy College Secure Single Sign-on (SSO)

Does blackboard have a Grade Center?

Mercy College. Open to Whoever You Are. Request Information. Request Information. Congratulations future Mav! Come celebrate your acceptance with us at one of our Accepted Student Days! You'll get a sneak peek at life at Mercy, be able to explore academic programs and get a taste of what classes will be like. desktop-alt.


How to sign in for a college exam?

Sign-in starts 30 minutes prior to the exam start time. Recruit a Proctor. Recruit a Proctor. Identify a possible nearby testing site, community college, or four-year college. Contact the testing, academic counseling or career development offices at the college or your local library. Ask for the director of the office or the person in charge.

What to do if your classmate makes a mistake?

If your classmate makes a mistake don’t badger him or her for it. Just let it go – it happens to the best of us. Run a spelling and grammar check before posting anything to the discussion board. It only takes a minute, and can make the difference between sounding like a fool and sounding knowledgeable.

What to do if you miss an exam?

If you miss an exam, you MUST contact your professor and gain approval to have the exam proctored in the Testing Office by the Testing Office staff. The Testing Office staff will agree to proctor your exam (s) after the testing schedule dates only in extraordinary circumstances that can be verified.

How many days do you have to submit a proctor application?

All forms must be submitted at least 10 days prior to the first midterm or final exam date of the semester. Students must submit one Remote Proctor Application Form to request a midterm exam, and a second Remote Proctor Application Form to request a final exam. Students are responsible for payment of the proctor.

Does Mercy College have a blackboard?

Mercy College administers its online learning through Blackboard, one of the leading virtual classroom platforms in higher education. Blackboard’s robust set of intuitive features and tools empowers students to connect with one another and to their professors as they would for in-person classes, while offering the flexibility to learn from ...

Does Mercy College have a remote proctor?

Students who live within a 100-mile radius from a Mercy College campus do not qualify for a remote proctor. Note: The Testing Office does not administer English exams.

Blackboard Workshops

We want to make sure that every is comfortable using Blackboard this fall. We have created a multitude of trainings designed to make sure you are as successful as possible.

Drop-In Clinics

Mercy Online has 20-minute Drop-In Clinics every Wednesday and Friday. In order to participate you need to reserve a time. The Drop-In Clinic is meant for quick questions and help. For Blackboard Training, please attend on of our Blackboard Workshops.

Contact Information

Blackboard Technical Support: For Blackboard Technical Questions please contact the Mercy College Help Desk (24/7 Support): 914-674-7526 or via email [email protected]

Disability Support Services Syllabus Statement

Students With Disabilities. Mercy College is committed to achieving equal educational opportunities and full participation for persons with disabilities.
