master enabling agreement csu blackboard

by Prof. Kendra Hudson DDS 6 min read

What is a Master Enabling Agreement?

Various service agreements with governing baseline services are established as Master Enabling Agreements (MEA). Such agreements may only be developed by the CSU Office of the Chancellor; however, they are developed to provide specific services available to all the campuses of the CSU by predetermined providers.

What is an enabling agreement?

In very broad terms, an enabling agreement or enabling contract, is similar to a handshake agreement, in that an exchange is agreed upon by the parties to the agreement (such as for the supply of goods or services in exchange for payment), which sets out the very broad terms, but detailed terms are not specified.Nov 12, 2020

What are enabling works?

Enabling works are the preparation of a site in readiness for the first stage of development. Examples include installing perimeter fencing, carrying out ground clearance, building access routes and putting up safety signage. Enabling works may also include preliminary construction work, such as groundworks.

What is local enabling agreement?

(a) It is the intention of the Parties that this Agreement shall provide for the provision of Services at the Country Locations provided herein, including those which may be located outside of the United States.