kctcs blackboard contact

by Kianna Sipes 8 min read

Per KAR regulation 15:090: the course grade assigned by the college shall be used by the high school in calculating the KEES grade point average, and shall be included in the KEES calculation using a 5.0 point scale where 5.0 is an "A", 4.0 is a "B", 3.0 is a "C", 2.0 is a "D", and 1.0 is an "F".
https://bluegrass.kctcs.edu › instructor-resources › grades
IT Support Center at (859) 246-4600. Or, email [email protected].

How do I access blackboard from KCTCS?

May 24, 2021 · If all else fails, contact the Blackboard Technical Help Desk website or by phone: (855) 546-2282. Bluegrass Community and Technical College 470 Cooper Drive … 6.

How do I contact KCTCS for elearning?

Jan 29, 2022 · If all else fails, contact the Blackboard Technical Help Desk website or by phone: (855) 546-2282. Bluegrass Community and Technical College 470 Cooper Drive …. 6. Current Students | KCTCS. https://kctcs.edu/current-students/. From Email to Office 365, from Blackboard to Student Self-Service, your path to the ….

What is the Student Support tab on Blackboard?

Visit Blackboard Student Support. Kentucky Community & Technical College System 300 North Main Street Versailles, KY 40383 Toll Free (877) 528-2748 Request Information

Should I take an online course at SKYCTC?

For other media inquiries, please visit our KCTCS Newsroom for a list of local contacts. KCTCS System Office. 300 North Main Street Versailles, KY 40383 Toll-Free (Kentucky only): (877) 528-2748 systemoffice.kctcs.edu. KCTCS Colleges. KCTCS …


How do I get to Blackboard on Kctcs?

Navigate to Mypath. Choose Blackboard and login if you are not automatically directed. Alternately, you can login directly at elearning.kctcs.edu.

How do I find my Kctcs ID number?

Option 1. Please call 1(855) 246-2282. Then press option 5 for help with your account. Then press # to obtain your ID number.

How do I access my Kctcs email?

Login to your KCTCS email account via Office365. ATTENTION: If you are connecting from a non-KCTCS computer, you may be prompted for a username and password to access email. It is important that you use your full KCTCS email address as your username and your KCTCS password.

What is a Kctcs student ID?

Your KCTCS Student ID (it's the nine-digit code at the top left corner of your schedule) Your personal email address (if you provided one when enrolling)

How do I create a Kctcs account?

Setup User Profile by going to the User Account Center. Click the "Setup Your User Profile" button. Select your birth month and day from the dropdown box. Then, enter your nine-digit KCTCS ID number (you can locate your ID at the bottom of your acceptance email) and click Next.

What does Kctcs stand for?

Kentucky Community and Technical College SystemThe Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTCS) comprises 16 community and technical colleges in Kentucky with over 70 campuses.

How do I reset my Kctcs password?

How do I reset my KCTCS password?Go to jefferson.kctcs.edu.At the top of the page, click “Quick Links” and then "Current Students".Scroll down and click “User Account Center”.Click “Reset Password”.Type in your KCTCS Email or Username.Click “Next >”.To verify your identity:Nov 4, 2021

How do I register for classes at Kctcs?

Instructions for using Self-Service Registration Go to your Student Self Service. Log in with your user name and your password. Leave the location box blank. Type in the three letter prefix for your desired class (Example: ENG for English) in the course subject box.