itap blackboard password

by Brett Rolfson 8 min read

What is my purdue password?

You may also call the ITaP Customer Service Center at (765) 494-4000 to request a password reset. Be sure you have the following information: your 10 digit PUID number, your name as it appears on official Purdue mailings, your Purdue career account login.

How do I change Mypurdue password?

To change your Purdue Career Account password: Go to the change password web page and follow the instructions. Visit the ITaP Customer Service Center on the main floor of the Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library (HSSE) - Stewart Center 135. Be sure to bring a photo ID with you.

How do I set up a Mypurdue account?

Go to and use your PUID and career account set-up password to activate your account. If you have any questions regarding how to set up your career account, email [email protected]. Once your account is created, you will need to set up a BoilerKey.

How do I log into my purdue career account?

Use for the server name and log in with your Purdue Career Account login and password. Use port 22 if your FTP program requires you to enter port information. UNIX can also be used to access your home directory.

What is my Purdue email password?

If you have forgotten your password and have not set up your challenge questions and need your password reset, visit ITaP Labs Help Desk on the main floor of the Hicks Undergraduate Library (HIKS) and swipe your Purdue ID card. This is your most secure method.

How do I change my Purdue email?

To change your email service, please go to the 'career account information' page, at Log in with your Purdue career account username and BoilerKey. Click on the 'Change Mailbox' link, as shown below (outlined in red). Click the button next to the Purdue Office 365 Email.Jul 20, 2020

Where can I find my Purdue ID number?

How do I find out what my PUID is? The PUID is printed on the face of your Purdue University ID card. For new students, the PUID will be included in your admittance packets (along with information about setting up their career account online).

How do I setup my Purdue email on my iPhone?

Launch the Settings app on your iPhone. Touch "General" and then "Mail, Contacts, Calendars."...Enter this information:Name: Enter your name as you'd like it to appear on outgoing messages.Address: Enter your e-mail address, e.g. [email protected]: This field will be filled in for you automatically.Jun 8, 2009

What is the Purdue career account?

Your Purdue Career Account (PCA) gives you electronic access to a number of services at Purdue University. From access to your email account to computer lab access, your PCA gives you access to a variety of services including email, instructional, ResNet, research, and departmental use.

What is my boiler key password?

Your BoilerKey password consists of either a BoilerKey PIN or your career account password, a comma, and then either the word push or a 6-digit BoilerKey token code (or Duo Mobile passcode). If you are unsuccessful and using a BoilerKey token, go here and choose "Manage my BoilerKey Tokens".

Why can't I log into my Purdue account?

If you're not able to login to other Purdue sites, you can reset your password here: If neither of those links are able to help you with resetting your password, you can reset your password by contacting ITaP ([email protected] or 765-494-4000).

What is my BoilerKey pin?

BoilerKey PIN: A 4-digit PIN that is created by you. It is then used in place of the Career Account password for Purdue services that are BoilerKey-enabled.