how to watch past recording in blackboard collaborate

by Dr. Eda Mitchell 4 min read

To view or download recordings, navigate to myLesley, go to Blackboard Collaborate Ultra and select the tool menu. Select Recordings for a list of all recordings. Locate your recording and click on the menu button to the right. This will open a menu. Select Watch Now to watch your recording

To view or download recordings, navigate to myLesley, go to Blackboard Collaborate Ultra and select the tool menu.
  1. Select Recordings for a list of all recordings.
  2. Locate your recording and click on the menu button to the right.
  3. This will open a menu.
  4. Select Watch Now to watch your recording.
Jun 18, 2019

Full Answer

How do I download the recording of a Blackboard Collaborate session?

Dec 20, 2021 · To view or download recordings, navigate to myLesley, go to Blackboard Collaborate Ultra and select the tool menu. Select Recordings for a list of all recordings. Locate your recording and click on the menu button to the right. This will open a menu. Select Watch Now to watch your recording.

How do I watch a recording in Collaborate Ultra?

May 20, 2021 · To view or download recordings, navigate to myLesley, go to Blackboard Collaborate Ultra and select the tool menu. Select Recordings for a list of all recordings. Locate your recording and click on the menu button to the right. This will open a menu. Select Watch Now to watch your recording. 4. How to play videos through Blackboard Collaborate ….

How do I view all recordings in collaborate?

From Collaborate scheduler, select Recordings and find the recording you want. Select the Recording options menu and select Recording settings . Select Enable captions , if not already on.

How do I add caption to a blackboard recording?

Feb 22, 2022 · To search for recordings that are not recent, (1) click on Filter by: Show Recent Recordings menu and select (2) Recordings in a Range Searching for Recordings in a Range to search for recordings within a date range, click on the beginning and ending dates to select the desired beginning and ending of the desired time period to search recordings.


Access the Course Collaborate Page

Recordings can be found on the course Collaborate page. Therefore, navigate to this page by clicking the link to the Collaborate page that you created.

Search for Recordings

By default, only recent recordings appear on the Recordings page. To search for recordings that are not recent, (1) click on Filter by: Show Recent Recordings menu and select (2) Recordings in a Range

Accessing a Recording

You will see a list of recordings. To see additional recordings, use the page buttons at the bottom to navigate between pages. To view a recording now, click on the recording name. To view additional options, click on the Options menu for the desired recording.

How to record and retrieve a Blackboard Collaborate Session

Once you have created a virtual room with Collaborate, you can now enter the session.

About Sicco Rood

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How do I find the recordings?

You can view recordings in courses you are enrolled in. You may be able to download recordings. Moderators must allow session recording downloads for each session.

Recording player

The recording player has the same look and feel as your Collaborate session. There is a Recording menu similar to the Session menu in your live sessions and recording playback controls.

Chat messages in recordings

Open the Chat panel at the bottom right of your screen to see the complete chat history of the recorded session.

Download recordings and transcripts

If the moderator has allowed session recording downloads, you can download recordings and transcripts from the recording player Recording menu.

Downloading from Collaborate

As a moderator, you will be able to download the recording regardless of the session settings (if you want students to be able to download the recording you will need to tick the appropriate box in the session settings).

Uploading to Panopto

In the Panopto cloud, go to the folder where you want to add the video. Click on ‘Create’ at the top and select ‘Upload media’.
