how to view responses on post first blackboard

by Simeon Kshlerin 3 min read

You can see the total and unread number of student responses in the Topics list if you select the Display number of responses for a topic option in Discussions Settings. However, to view student responses to any “Post first” topic you need to switch to Manage mode, or you can respond to the topic yourself to see all responses in View mode.

Full Answer

How do I reply to a post in a blackboard thread?

Oct 19, 2021 · Click the “+” button above the course menu. Choose “Tool Link”. Choose “Discussion Board,” give it the title “Discussion Board”, and make sure to check the “Available to Users” box so students will have access to the link. Or, to add a link to the Discussion Board to a content page: Make sure you Edit Mode is “ON”.

What is a discussion post on the board?

Jun 02, 2021 · Click the “+” button above the course menu. Choose “Tool Link”. Choose “Discussion Board,” give it the title “Discussion Board”, and make sure to check the “Available to Users” box so students will have access to the link. Or, to add a link to the Discussion Board to a content page: Make sure you Edit Mode is “ON”.

What is a blackboard discussion?

Oct 06, 2021 · Users don’t see results from group discussion boards unless they’re …. To view the post in context, with any responses, select the post’s hyperlinked title to …. Author’s Last Name; Author’s First Name; Subject; Date of Last Post; Thread Order. 3. Create Forums | …

How long does it take to type on Blackboard?

Sep 14, 2021 · The Tree View presents the first post, or Thread, and all related responses. The initial Thread and related posts can be expanded and collapsed by using the … 5.


How do you see your first discussion on blackboard?

Go to Original Course View page. In discussions, you can share thoughts and ideas about class materials.

How do I see my discussion post on Blackboard?

On the course menu, select Discussions. On the course menu, select Tools and then Discussion Board....Open the Discussion BoardSelect a forum title to view the messages. ... Select a forum to open the thread of posts.More items...

How do I reply to a discussion post on Blackboard?

Responding to Posts Click Reply or Quote to reply to a post in a thread. Click Email Author to send a Blackboard Message to the author of a post. If the instructor has enabled the feature, you may also be able to edit and/or delete posts that you have created.

How do you reply back to a discussion post?

Explain how someone's post helped you understand the material or made you rethink your own views. Offer an opinion and support it with examples from the text. Relate the information in the post to your course assignments and/or research projects. Challenge a statement in the post.

How do you view your grades in Blackboard in all of your courses at one time?

You can see grades for all of your courses or one course at a time. To view grades for all of your courses, select the arrow next to your name in the upper-right corner. In the menu, select My Grades. You can sort your grades by All Courses or Last Graded.

How do I find my discussion board on Blackboard?

To access your drafts, return to the forum page and set it to List View. Access the Display menu and select Drafts Only to view the saved post. Select the draft's title to open the Thread page. While you view your post, point to it to view Edit and Delete.

How do you reply to a post?

There are three main ways to respond constructively to a post: “No, because...” • “Yes, and…” • “Yes, but...” If you disagree with someone's post, show that you appreciate that your classmate has an opinion, even if it's different from your own.

How do you respond to a class discussion?

How to Write and Respond to Discussion PostsUnderstand the Prompt.Refer to the Scoring Rubric.Present Evidence and Examples.Draft the Answer before Posting.Express Yourself Clearly.Respond in a Timely Manner.May 4, 2019

How do you respond to a group discussion?

Read and respond to messagesSign in to Google Groups.Click the name of a group.Click the message you want to read.Choose whether to reply to the group or individually: To reply to the group, below the message text, click Reply all. Compose your reply click Post Message.

What is the difference between writing an initial discussion post and a response to one of your classmates?

The difference between writing an initial discussion post and a response to one of your classmates is that, the initial discussion post is you giving an opinion on a particular subject matter, infact, it is the basis or reason for any response.Sep 17, 2021

How do you agree to a discussion post?

Use the following examples when in a business meeting to agree with your colleagues' or boss's opinions.01“That is right” ... 02“You can say that again” ... 03“I concur with you” ... 04“I could not agree with you more” ... 05“Lead the way “ ... 06“There is no doubt “ ... 07“That is absolutely true. ... 08“Exactly what I was thinking”More items...•Jan 25, 2021

How do you start a discussion post example?

How should I include in my first post?Answer the question. Do this first if possible. ... Give evidence. Provide an explanation for your point of view, and use evidence from your text, notes, or outside research (where appropriate) to support your point.Explain the connection.Oct 16, 2020

What is a discussion post?

The discussion post is the understanding of the student on the subject topic. With multiple discussion posts on the discussion board, students need to know how to respond to a discussion post to make a meaningful conversation. Like discussion posts, students should be mindful of the discussion post responses they put up on the discussion board.

What does it mean when a student is a participant in an online discussion?

Every student taking the course is a participant in the online discussion. That means that there will be many discussion posts to read and respond to. Lengthy discussion posts are tiring and may discourage other participants from reading the entire discussion post.

What is peer review in discussion boards?

Peer review is one of the capabilities of a discussion board. Besides starting a thread and including a discussion post, students can review and reply to other student’s work. The student reviewing a discussion post rates the discussion post and include comments in their response. Rating posts is helpful as students then focus on posting helpful and relevant information in the discussion post. You need to enable discussion participants to rate your discussion post. The option is in the forum settings of the discussion board.

How to access online courses?

In an online course, you can access an online course from the discussions page or content page. The discussion page displays all the discussions in the course. Choose a particular discussion and be part of. You will also view the new replies and discussions to see the new changes since when you visited the discussion page. You can as well format the text using the format options in the text editor. You can also view the participants who are available at the time you are posting your discussion.

Is online discussion a chat?

An online discussion is not equivalent to an online chat with a friend. Just as the instructor requires you to use professional language when holding a discussion in class, online discussion posts should also use professional language. Students should refrain from using chat acronym, emoticons, and slang.

How to disagree with a post?

You should first acknowledge the fact that the student has an opinion which you do not agree with at the moment. You should then proceed to give reasons why you disagree with their post. Avoid the use of language that gives the impression that you are attacking the other student, or that shows the post has affected you emotionally. Your post to show respectful disagreement uses the words “No, because”. No indicates that you disagree with the post. You should then give the reason for disagreeing after the ‘because’.

Do you need citations for discussion posts?

Citations are necessary when putting up your discussion posts. Students will look at the citations before asking any more questions about your post. That means you will have less explanations to make.
