how to show content on blackboard

by Alvera Mosciski 3 min read

In a content area, learning module, lesson plan, or folder, select Build Content to access the menu and select Image. Type a name, optional description, and alternative text. Select the appropriate options for dimensions, availability, tracking, and display dates.

Click on the drop-down menu (2) and choose "Show Link" or "Hide Link" (3) to Show or Hide that content link. If a link is hidden from students, you will still see it but it will be missing from your students' course menu.

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How do you show presentations on Blackboard ultra?

May 10, 2021 · How do I show/hide a menu item in my Blackboard site? … If you Delete a content area, all content items within it are also permanently deleted. … an unavailable link title appears with the This link is hidden from students icon. 6. Blackboard 9: Hiding and Revealing Content Areas – YouTube

How do I share content in Blackboard Collaborate?

May 11, 2021 · Click on the Learning Module’s name. You will see a screen almost identical to the normal “add content” screen. Add your materials to the Learning Module the same way you would add them to any Blackboard folder (see “Add Content to a Course”). Tests, surveys, and assignments can also be added to the Learning Module.

How do I use the whiteboard during a session?

Aug 29, 2021 · Click on “ Build Content .”. Click on “ File. ”. Enter a name for the File (i.e. “Reading 1”). To attach a file to either an Item or a File, click the “ Browse ” button and find the file. Click the “ Submit ” button to publish the Item or File to your course.


How do I make Blackboard content visible to students?

Log into Blackboard Learn and enter the course. In the Course Management menu under Customization, click Properties. Under Set Availability, check the radio button next to "Yes" for Make Course Available. Click the Submit button.

How do you see hidden items on blackboard?

0:422:03Blackboard 9: Hiding and Revealing Content Areas - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipYou are in edit mode on and notice edit mode on here in the right-hand corner. I just go to table ofMoreYou are in edit mode on and notice edit mode on here in the right-hand corner. I just go to table of contents for example I click on the little Chevron next to table of contents. And I say show link.

How do I unhide students content on blackboard?

Click on the double-down arrow on the right side of the button. Click Hide Link. An icon will now show on the button. If you point to it, it will show "This link is hidden from students."Oct 25, 2013

How do I unhide a course on Blackboard?

To show a hidden course, filter the list by Hidden from me > open a course's menu > select Show course.

What is content area?

After you create a content area, you can create content items within it to present your course material. You can include content such as folders, text, file attachments, links to websites, tests, assignments, and multimedia. NOTE: When performing the instructor functions, ensure Edit Mode (button on top right hand side of the screen) is ON.

What is a folder in a course?

Folders are a type of course area that you can use to organize content. You create folders in existing content areas. After you create a folder, you can add content and additional sub-folders to it. For example, in a content area, you can create folders for each week of your course.

Where is the accessibility icon on Blackboard?

Throughout Blackboard Learn, most accessibility icons will be to the left of the file. To learn how to improve the file’s accessibility, select the score icon.

What is Blackboard Ally?

If your institution uses Blackboard Ally, you can use the tool to help ensure your course content is accessible to every student. Ally automatically scans your course content and performs steps to make files more accessible. Get started with Ally. In your course, find the file you want to improve.

What can you do with an item's menu?

When you access an item's menu, you can change settings, modify availability, and create metadata. You can turn on options such as review status, adaptive release, and statistics tracking. You can also copy, move, and delete content. You can reorder content and hide content details to save screen space.

How to get course reports?

To obtain course reports on overall user activity as well as activity in content areas, forums, and groups: Control Panel > Evaluation > Course Reports. In Edit Mode, access an item's menu and select Statistics Tracking. Select On to enable statistics tracking for the item. Select Submit.

What is metadata in education?

Metadata stores information about a content item, including bibliographic, lifecycle, and copyright information. With metadata, you can import content from and export content to other applications that use IMS (Instructional Management Systems) standards, creating interoperability for learning content.

What happens when you delete a content container?

Sometimes the content is permanently removed from the system. When you delete a content container, you permanently remove it .

How to copy and move between courses?

To copy and move between two courses, you must be enrolled in both courses. Copying a content container doesn't remove it from the original location in your course. Moving a content container removes it from its original location in your course. Use these steps to copy and move content containers .


What Is The Content Collection?

  • In the Content Collection, you can store, share, and publish digital content in personal, course, and institution folders. When you want to edit content, you do so once and the updates appear throughout your work. You can share content by setting permissions for others and sending passes so that they can access it. Your role determines which tools and workflows you have acc…
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How Do I Access The Content Collection?

  • After you log in to Blackboard Learn, select the Content Collectiontab in the page header. Your institution may restrict access to the Content Collection or rename the tab. If you have difficulty finding the Content Collection, contact your institution.
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Content Collection Menu

  • You can access items in the Content Collection from the menu. You can view the Content Collection menu in the Shortcut View or the Folder View. Initially, the shortcut view appears by default. Select an icon in the upper-right corner of the menu to change your view. The system saves the view you choose and returns to that view each time you access the Content Collection…
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How Is The Content Organized?

  • The Content Collection contains files and folders organized for users, courses, and the institution. The three default groups of content are My Content, Course Content, and Institution Content. Each group displays folders and files if any are available to you. You access each group through the Content Collectionmenu. My Contentis used to store folders and files-referred to as items-for yo…
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View Content

  • The content frame displays the items and workflows and you chose in the menu. Select a column title to sort the items and folders. The orientation bar appears at the top of the content frame. Use this hierarchical trail to show where you are located and how you got there. Select an item on the bar to go to that folder. Orientation bar drop-down lists act as folder separators and display a lis…
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Access Portfolios and Tools

  • Use the Jump Tomenu to access portfolios, learning objects, and other tools in the Content Collection. You can collapse and expand each menu. Select a heading in the menu to open a tool in the content frame. Your institution may restrict access to tools, such as portfolios.
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Search The Content Collection

  • You can search to locate all of the files and folders others have shared with you. After a search, only those items you have permissions for are returned. If permissions are granted on a nested folder-and not the top-level folder-you can search for the folder and bookmark it. All searches are case-insensitive. Basic Search: You can search terms within metadata and file or folder names. …
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Set Your Personal Home Page

  • You can select an entry point into the Content Collection. If you access the same course every time you open the tab, set the home page to point to that course folder. You can set any course or bookmarked location as your entry point. 1. Go to the Content Collection. 2. In the Jump To menu, select Personal Settings in the Toolssection. 3. On the Personal Settings page, select the Custo…
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Create A Bookmark

  • You can go directly to a specific folder in the Content Collection. Select Go to Locationand provide the path to open a folder and bookmark the location at the same time. 1. In the Jump To menu, select Go to Location in the Toolssection. 2. On the Go to Location page, Browsefor a location. 3. Type a Nameto create a bookmark. 4. Select Submit. Bookmark Itemsalso appears on the actio…
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