how to remove all course contents in blackboard

by Ellie Gleason 4 min read

Blackboard (Faculty) - Course Content: Remove Course Files

  • Navigate to your course content collection .
  • Place a check mark next to the file you want to permanently remove from the course and click the Delete at the bottom of...
  • If you get a "List Files and Folders With Links" screen, this means a file you are trying to delete is still linked in...

Blackboard (Faculty) - Course Content: Remove Course Files
  1. Navigate to your course content collection.
  2. Place a check mark next to the file you want to permanently remove from the course and click the Delete at the bottom of the screen.
Jan 14, 2019

Full Answer

How do I delete a course in Blackboard Learn?

Aug 31, 2021 · Step 2: Delete all Course Menus · Click on each context menu of each menu item, select Delete. · A window pops up and says “Are you sure?”, click … 11. How to delete or hide a Blackboard course menu item – elearn … How to delete or hide a Blackboard course menu item

How do I delete a course or Course Folder?

Oct 10, 2021 · Navigate to the Course Settings …. Click on the gear in the upper left corner of the My Courses module. To view the settings gear, you will need to click and …. 7. Edit My Courses List | Blackboard at KU.

How do I delete users from my institution's content collection?

Oct 09, 2021 · In the Select Content Materials to Delete section, select the check boxes for all of the materials within the course that you want to delete. For example, if … 3.

Why can't I create a new course in the content collection?

Jan 14, 2019 · Blackboard (Faculty) - Course Content: Remove Course Files Navigate to your course content collection . Place a check mark next to the file you want to permanently remove from the course and click the Delete at the bottom of... If you get a "List Files and Folders With Links" screen, this means a ...


How do I delete all content from a course in Blackboard?

In the Control Panel, click Packages and Utilities to expand this menu and click Bulk Delete. In the Select Content Materials to Delete section, select the check boxes for all of the materials within the course that you want to delete.

How do I clear a course on Blackboard?

Delete a courseOn the Administrator Panel in the Courses section, select Courses.Search for a course.Select the check box for each course to delete.Select Delete.Select OK.

How do I delete multiple items on blackboard?

Bulk delete processIn the Select Content Materials to Delete section, select the check boxes for the content areas in the course that you want to delete.In the Select Other Materials to Delete section, select the check boxes for content found in other areas of the course that you want to delete.More items...

How do I hide old Courses on Blackboard?

Point to a course card menu. Select the extended menu (...) to the right of the star. Select Hide Course.Jan 30, 2020

How do I hide a course on blackboard 2021?

On your Courses page in Blackboard, click the three dots next to a course and choose Hide Course. If you would like to unhide your course, click the Filter menu and choose "Hidden from me." Click the three dots next to a course and choose "Show Course."Jan 20, 2021

How do I Unsubmit something on blackboard?

In your course, go to the Control Panel > Full Grade Centre.Click on the downward grey chevron arrow icon in the right of the cell corresponding to the submission. ... Select Clear Attempt in the bottom right of the page.Blackboard will issue a warning message reminding you that the submission cannot be recovered.More items...•Jul 17, 2018

What does clear flag mean on blackboard?

Clear Flag will delete set flags on selected messages.

How do I archive a course in Blackboard?

Archiving Your CourseLogin to Blackboard.Click Courses.Click Current Courses at the top.Select the term you wish to visit.Select the course you wish to archive.Click Packages and Utilities under the Course Management in the left menu.Click Export/Archive Course.Click Archive Course.More items...•May 21, 2021

How do I hide a module in Blackboard?

This article will walk you through how to perform this function.After logging into Blackboard, put you rmouse over the Course List module and click on the Gear icon.Locate the course(s) you would like to hide and click the box to uncheck the boxes that are checked off.Click Submit at the bottom of the page when done.More items...•May 22, 2017

How do I hide a course on Blackboard Mobile?

Hiding Courses on the Blackboard Mobile Learn AppIn the Menu view, click on the pencil icon on the upper right side of the screen.Click on the open eye icon by the course you want to hide.This icon will then show as a closed eye and the course is hidden from view.More items...•Jan 14, 2019