how to prevent messy discussion boards on blackboard?

by Kavon Zieme 9 min read

How do I edit a forum in a Blackboard course?

Open the Discussion Board. Find the discussion board in two places: On the course menu, select Discussions. On the course menu, select Tools and then Discussion Board. The main Discussion Board page appears with a list of available discussion forums. On this page, you can perform these actions: Select a forum title to view the messages.

How do I use the discussion board?

Make the thread available to all users. Select Publish. Allow users to read the thread, but not edit or add to it. Locking a thread allows grades to be assigned without users updating or changing posts. Select Lock. Change the status of the thread to …

How do I view unread messages in a discussion board?

Sep 01, 2021 · Hack Blackboard To Show Discussion Board Before Posting. If you are looking for hack blackboard to show discussion board before posting, simply check out our links below : 1. Hack Your Discussion Forum – HLS. I think we read other students’ posts before writing our own for one of two reasons: fear or laziness.

What is Blackboard Learn and how does it work?

Jun 07, 2021 · The image above shows Section 3: Forum Settings with all the forum settings listed. The settings are divided into groups and are explained in more detail in the following steps: Viewing Threads/Replies: The options in this section determine how students view threads within the forum. Grade: This section allows instructors to enable grading for the discussion forum.

How do I lock a Discussion Board on Blackboard?

Blackboard (Faculty) - Discussion Boards: Lock a ThreadClick on the title of the discussion forum to open it. ... Hover your mouse over the thread you want to lock.Then click the circular grey icon that appears to the right of the thread title.Choose Lock from the drop down menu.More items...•Sep 13, 2017

What does it mean to lock a thread in Blackboard?

You can “lock” discussion threads in Blackboard so that new posts are disabled, yet students can read all existing posts.

Can you delete threads on blackboard?

Open a thread in a forum. On the thread's page, point to a post to view the available functions. Select Edit or Delete. The delete action is irreversible.

Can professors see edits on blackboard?

By default, Edit Mode is turned On for instructors. When edit mode is turned on, an instructor can see all course content whether it is set to be visible or not. Instructors can also modify their course in this view. When edit mode is turned off, an instructor will see the course as a student would see it.Oct 22, 2018

How do I edit my discussion post on Blackboard as a student?

When you create or edit a forum, you control if students may edit their published posts.Open a forum and select a thread.On the thread's page, point to a post so that all of the functions appear and select Edit.The editor appears. Make edits while you view the original post.Select Submit.

How do you make a discussion board available to students in Blackboard?

Creating a Discussion ForumOn the main Discussion Board page, on the Action Bar, click Create Forum.On the Create Forum page, type a Name. ... Optionally, type instructions or a description in the Description text box. ... Under Forum Availability, select the Yes option.Select Forum Settings.Click Submit.

Can you delete a discussion thread on Blackboard as a student?

Open the discussion's menu and select Delete. You can delete an entire discussion along with all responses and replies. Instructors can delete any discussion, while students can only delete discussions they've created. When students delete a discussion, other users see a message about the deletion.

How do I delete a discussion thread on blackboard?

Open the forum. Click the top left checkbox to select all the threads. Optional: Uncheck any message to be kept. Click Delete to remove the student posts.

Can a student delete a submission on blackboard?

Once a file has been successfully submitted to an assignments, you can't delete it. However, if you have the ability to make another submission, re-submit the file …Nov 2, 2020

Can teachers see edits on discussion posts?

If the post is edited, there is no history for the Instructor to look at to see what was changed. If the post was deleted, the instructor has no idea what the post was or whose post it was. Most instructors do not want this feature available to students.

Can Professor see deleted discussion post?

Verify Delete If you delete a discussion reply with other course user replies attached, Canvas shows a Deleted by notification. The notification includes your name and the date and time the post was deleted. ... Note: Course instructors can see that you deleted your replies in the discussion.Jun 1, 2021

What is edit mode in Blackboard?

Edit Mode allows instructors to manage their courses. This button is located in the upper‐right corner of each Course area. With Edit Mode ON you can easily manage course content. With Edit Mode OFF you see what your students see.

How to use discussion in a class?

You can use discussions for these tasks: 1 Meet with your peers for collaboration and social interaction. 2 Pose questions about homework assignments, readings, and course content. 3 Demonstrate your understanding or application of course material.

What is discussion in college?

Discussions are an online forum about course concepts. Your instructor may expect you to create your own discussions and participate in existing ones. Your instructor can also grade your contributions.