how to play blackboard video in 2x

by Bill Lehner III 9 min read

From your desktop web browser, click the 1x Speed button at the bottom right side of the player. In the Play Speed menu that opens up, you can choose different playback speed options from.5x (half speed) to 2x (double speed). Why Would Anyone Want to Change Video Playback Speeds?

When you are watching a lecture recording in Blackboard click the bookmark you've just created. A prompt will ask you to enter the playback speed, 1.5 is entered as the default, but you can enter any decimal number. Press enter or click OK and the playback speed will be immediately applied.Sep 30, 2020

Full Answer

How do I change the playback speed of a blackboard lecture?

Sep 05, 2021 · How To Play Blackboard Video In 2X. If you are looking for how to play blackboard video in 2x, simply check out our links below : 1. Blackboard Playback Speed. Change the playback speed for Blackboard Recorded Lectures. … to change the speed to 0.25x, 0.5x, 0.75x, 1x, 1.25x, 1.5x, 1.75x, and 2x. 2.

How do I watch a lecture recording in Blackboard?

Oct 05, 2020 · I wonder why we can't control a BlackBoard recording to begin with honestly, this extension really helps me sit and focus through long lectures compared to when they were normal speed. I also enjoy how the extension has the same speed ranges as a YouTube video (0.25x - 2x) instead of just making videos faster, really helpful for when I need to ...

What are the features of Blackboard Collaborate?

You can go up to 16x or even 32x if you computer can handle it on VLC. 2. level 1. [deleted] · 2y. For me, I can right-click the video and "play speed" can be toggled to up to 8.0x the speed if you're really looking for it. 1. r/utdallas. Welcome to the student-run (unofficial) subreddit for The University of Texas at Dallas!

What does 1x speed mean in video playback?

How to Speed Up Lectures On Blackboard. Blackboard Collaborate (the platform used by my med school) isn’t the most intuitive when it comes to altering the playback speed of the things you watch. Thankfully there is a handy Chrome plugin you can use to get round that. Check it out here. Watching Lectures at 2X Speed: Reddit’s Tips


What is Variable Speed Playback?

When it comes to online video streaming, most video platforms only allow viewers a single playback option: press the Play button, and the video plays back at normal speed.

Why Would Anyone Want to Change Video Playback Speeds?

While the idea of playing back a video in anything other than regular speed may seem odd, it’s a feature that many students find is nearly as indispensable as lecture capture itself.

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