how to parse data from blackboard

by Gardner Walter 3 min read

Step 1

Under the Control Panel, click on Grade Center and then select Full Grade Center.

Step 3

On the Download Grades page, select the radio button next to User Information Only. Under Options > Delimeter Type, select either the tab-delimited (.txt) or comma-separated-values (.csv) delimiter type. Choose comma-separated-values (.csv) for importing to third-party applications that do not support Excel. Submit the page.


I am sure the experts will have something to say on this. I myself am quite new to C#, Unity and game development. But I have been programming in other languages for ages.


Don't make it that generic. Don't make a blackboard for "any game". Make one for your game.


This is caused by Boxing ( ). Essentially, C# is creating a new wrapper object to allow your struct to be assigned to a variable of type object. This wrapper has to be garbage collected like any other object.
