how to make discussion board available in blackboard

by Ms. Magdalena D'Amore 7 min read

Faculty - Creating a Discussion Board Forum in Blackboard

  1. Click on the Discussion Board link on your course menu.
  2. Click the Create Forum button.
  3. Create a name for the forum (e. g., Introduce Yourself) and type the instructions for the discussion board in the...
  4. To make the forum available to your students, select Yes.
  5. Specify the date restrictions for the...

Creating a Discussion Forum
  1. On the main Discussion Board page, on the Action Bar, click Create Forum.
  2. On the Create Forum page, type a Name. ...
  3. Optionally, type instructions or a description in the Description text box. ...
  4. Under Forum Availability, select the Yes option.
  5. Select Forum Settings.
  6. Click Submit.

Full Answer

How do I create a discussion board?

Sep 04, 2021 · How do I create a discussion board forum in Blackboard? Tell Me · Make sure Edit Mode is ON · Click on the Discussions link on the Course Menu · …

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May 30, 2021 · How to set up a Discussion Board If it is not already in your course menu, you’ll need to add a link to the Discussion Board: Click the “+” button above... Click the “+” button above the course menu Choose “Tool Link” Choose “Discussion Board,” give it the title “Discussion Board”, and make sure to ...

How to create a discussion board?

Oct 22, 2021 · Name: Enter a name for the tool link here. · Type: Select Discussion Board from the dropdown menu. · Available to Users: Check the box to make the … 6. Adding a Course Discussion Board Link | Blackboard Learn. …

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Oct 16, 2021 · Create a Discussion Forum: Open your first group (by clicking on it), and then click the Discussion Board in the group ( not the Discussion Board in the main Course Menu ). The first time you do this, you will notice that by default, you already have a …


Accessing the Discussion Board

Log into your Blackboard course and click on the Discussion Board link in the course menu.

Editing the Discussion Board Information

Zoom: Image of the Discussion Board Forum List with an arrow pointing to the chevron next to the forum name with instructions to click on the chevron. A menu is open on the screen with the word Edit outlined in a red circle with instructions to select Edit.

Setting up Forum Information and Availability

You will now see a screen labeled Edit Forum. The section labeled Forum Information allows you to enter a name and description for the forum:

Setting Up the Forum Availability

Forum Availability allows instructors to set up the visibility of the forum to students:

Setting up Forum Settings: Overview

The image above shows Section 3: Forum Settings with all the forum settings listed. The settings are divided into groups and are explained in more detail in the following steps:

Finishing Up

When finished with setting up the discussion forum settings, click the Submit button at the bottom of the page to create the forum.
