how to embed youtube in blackboard

by Osborne DuBuque 3 min read

Part of a video titled Embed a YouTube Video in Blackboard
Course to start go to the youtube video that you want to share with your class. Click on the shareMoreCourse to start go to the youtube video that you want to share with your class. Click on the share button below the bottom right corner of the video.

How to upload a video to YouTube?

To upload a video to YouTube: 1. Log into your google account using your FHSU email. 2. Click on the menu button and click on the more tab found at the bottom of the menu. 3. You then will click on the YouTube icon which will redirect you to the YouTube page. 4.

Does Fort Hays have a YouTube account?

Every Fort Hays State faculty/student with an FHSU email has access to an account in YouTube. YouTube is very resourceful tool in Blackboard as you can upload a video to YouTube and add it to your course. You can embed YouTube Videos into assignments, discussion boards, blogs, etc.

How to embed a YouTube video into a content area?

If your video is not able to be embedded because there is no embed code you can simply link to it by copying the video's URL and creating a Web Link to the address. Locate the video on YouTube. Click the Share button below the video.

How to embed a video in a YouTube video?

Locate the video on YouTube. Click the Share button below the video. This will open a sharing menu. Click the Embed button on the sharing menu. Copy the embed video code by clicking the COPY button in the lower right of the window. Log into your course and navigate to the course area where you'd like to embed the video.

How to embed a video in a course?

Log into your course and navigate to the course area where you'd like to embed the video. Click the Build Content button in the upper-left to open a drop-down menu. Click on Item (from the Build Content menu). Enter a name for the video in the name textbox.

How to upload a video to Blackboard?

Log into Blackboard and access the content area in which you would like to add a YouTube video to. Please refer to the guide titled Creating a Content Area for more information on how to create a content area. To upload your document: 1 Click on Build Content at the top of the page. 2 Choose YouTube Video from the menu under Mashups.

What is a mashup in Blackboard?

The Mashups tool in Blackboard allows instructors to link a YouTube video directly to their Blackboard class. The instructions below will demonstrate how to add a YouTube video to your course site.
