how to change language seeting in blackboard

by Mr. Bernard Gutmann Jr. 7 min read

To change the display language for a Blackboard course, use the following steps:

  • In your Blackboard course, locate the Control Panel on the left side of your Window.
  • Click Customization to expand the list of options.
  • Click Properties .
  • Scroll down to item 5 - Select Language Pack.
  • Choose the language of your course in the Language Pack drop down box. To prevent students...

Part of a video titled How to Change the Language of the User Interface: Student
Click settings select personal information and then click change personal settings to change theMoreClick settings select personal information and then click change personal settings to change the language of the interface. Select an option from the user language pack menu.

Full Answer

Why is my blackboard in another language?

You can see Blackboard Learn in different languages and cultural norms by changing the language pack. Language packs are set at the system level, the course level, and the user level. ... Your language pack preference overrides the course language pack when the course language pack in not enforced.Jun 18, 2013

How do I change my blackboard settings?

Set privacy optionsOpen the menu next to your name in the page header > Settings > Personal Information > Set Privacy Options. ... On the Set Privacy Options page, select the appropriate check boxes to make your personal information visible to other Blackboard users and in the User Directory.More items...

What languages does Blackboard support?

The following languages are currently available: Arabic, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Czech, Danish, Dutch, English (United Kingdom), English (United States), Finnish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Swedish, Spanish, Thai, Turkish, and Welsh.

How do I change the language of a course?

To change your language:Log in to your name in the top-right, then select Settings to open your account settings.Click the dropdown menu under Language, and select the language you'd like to see displayed.In the Account section, click the drop-down menu under Language.More items...•Sep 30, 2021

Where are my Blackboard settings?

Access My Settings From the Collaborate panel, go to the My Settings tab panel. Spacebar or select My Settings tab panel to open.

Where is test settings in Blackboard?

To access the test options, locate the exam you would like to edit the settings for. Hover over the name of the test, and click the chevron button that appears next to the test and select Edit the Test Options from the menu that appears.Mar 23, 2021

How do I put an accent over a letter in Blackboard?

Each character can be copied by clicking on Copy and then pasting (using ctrl + v) into Blackboard. Use the code shown in the bottom right-hand corner of the Character Map e.g. a small a with a grave accent (à) is achieved by holding down the ALT key and typing 0224.

Does Blackboard support Arabic?

To encourage use of the target language, you can set Blackboard to display in the language of the class you are teaching. You can change the language to Arabic, Spanish, French, German, Chinese, Japanese and Italian.

How do I change the language of my coursera certificate?

Log in to Click your name in the top-right, then select Settings to open your account settings. Click the dropdown menu under Language, and select the language you'd like to see displayed.Sep 30, 2021

Does coursera offer courses in multiple languages?

The international expansion of both Coursera and edX is a big win for international students, who (at least in Coursera's case) now have access to courses in multiple languages, including French, Spanish, Chinese and Italian.Feb 21, 2013

System level

Your institution defines one language pack as the system default. This is the language pack that appears when no other language pack is specified at the course level or at the user level.

Course level

Your institution can assign a language pack that is different from the default to make all users in a course view the same language pack. For example, if you are teaching a Spanish language class, you may want to select Spanish for the course-level language.

User level

Individuals may choose their preferred language packs unless a language pack choice has been set to be enforced.

System level

Your institution defines one language pack as the system default. This language appears if no other language packs are set at the course or user level.

Course level

In some cases, instructors can set a different language pack. If the language pack is enforced, everyone sees that language pack. For example, a Spanish instructor might force all users to view the course material in Spanish. If the language pack isn't enforced, you can set your language pack to another language, if available.

User level

At the user level, individuals may select their preferred language packs.
